VOLUME 3, NUMBER 2              Vegetarian Lifestyle
JULY  1997              Earth Friendly, Animal Friendly, and People Friendly


Elections for VSA-NAR officers will be held on July 27 (see Upcoming Events). VSA-NAR is a non-profit organization and will hold its elections per its by-laws. The by-laws detail policies and regulations, including election protocol.

VSA desperately needs volunteers to fill offices. A healthy organization must continue to infuse its supply of officers with the energy and new ideas that come with new officers. Many of the offices do not require a large investment of time. Others do. Please read the descriptions of offices included here and consider becoming an officer.

Note: These descriptions of officers were written, in part, to obtain non-profit status. We apologize for the formal and intimidating language. Fear not. The offices are not as daunting as they may sound, and former officers are always more than happy to lend a helping hand to and/or answer questions from a new officer.

Election Procedure

  1. The board will provide nominations and will accept nominations from any member of VSA-NAR. These nominations may be submitted by contacting a board member (by telephone or mail) or at the July meeting in which elections are held.

  2. Candidates for office shall be prepared to present a brief synopsis of their reasons for desiring an office and appropriate background delineating qualifications for the office.

  3. Elections (by secret ballot) will be held at the annual business meeting in July. This year the elections will be held at the Central Seventh-Day Adventist Church on July 27, 1997 (see Upcoming Events).

  4. All officers must 1) be members of VSA-NAR with dues paid to date, 2) be actively aspiring to or practicing vegetarianism, and 3) support and observe the purpose and policies of VSA-NAR.

  5. The term length is on year.

  6. Only two votes allowed per family membership.

  7. Member must be over fourteen years of age to vote.

The following is a brief description of the officer positions:

President. The president shall preside at all social and regularly scheduled meetings. The president should regularly deliver a brief report of recent organizational activities and invite newcomers to become members. The president will probably become the group's primary spokesperson for the term of office. Additional duties may be assigned by the board of directors as appropriate and needed. The president may also work with the secretary and the director of public relations to develop documents that carry out the purpose of the organization. The president may work with the first vice president in planning programs and events and may work with the second vice president on fund raisers.