VOLUME 3, NUMBER 2              Vegetarian Lifestyle
JULY  1997              Earth Friendly, Animal Friendly, and People Friendly

Vice President in Charge of Programs (VPCP). The first vice president shall act in the president's place when she or he is unable to preside. The VPCP should solicit suggestions from the membership and officers regarding possible speakers, entertainment, activities, and events to be observed. The board will provide guidelines. The VPCP will arrange for programs at meetings and will help the president to develop at least one vegetarian outreach project each year. The VPCP will work to develop volunteers to participate in outreach projects and may develop a committee to secure speakers at meetings and may develop a speaker bureau of persons willing to make public talks on vegetarianism.

Vice President in Charge of Fund Raising (VPCFR). The VPCFR shall develop at least one fund raiser compatible with the organization's purpose each year and secure volunteers to participate in it. The VPCFR, along with other officers, will work to develop or increase membership.

Newsletter Editor. The newsletter editor shall develop a newsletter carrying out the mission of the organization and, when funding exists, to publish a newsletter. Newsletters shall be approved for content by a designated board member. The newsletter shall include a disclaimer of liability. The editor should have access to appropriate computer hardware and software.

Public Relations and Media Specialist (PRMS). The public relations and media specialist shall provide to the media news releases, public service announcements, and announcements of upcoming events. PRMS will interact with the media for the organization in keeping with its purpose and policies and may develop flyers and documents as needed, which are subject to review by the board prior to publication or mailing. Training in media interface will be provided by a board member if needed.

Telephone Committee Coordinator. The telephone committee coordinator shall develop and maintain a telephone tree committee to remind members and others (within reason) of meetings. This is a cost saving measure and a convenient service for members. For example, all Decatur or Athens members might be reminded of meetings by one person in that local calling area.

Scribe. The scribe shall keep records of all public meetings and maintain a scrapbook of all activities and print-media articles.

Librarian. The librarian shall bring to all meetings all library resources and maintain accurate lending records. The librarian shall also remind all persons present at all meetings that the library exists.

Treasurer. The treasurer shall be appointed by the board.

Officers are encouraged to attend regular board meetings.

Again, VSA needs you! Please, contact a board member if you, or someone you know, is interested in any of the officer positions. The more offices that can be filled, the more the work load can be distributed.