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Monthly Editorial

September, 1999

My Dreams


Mohamed-Hany El-Tonsy, MD

I apologize for not writing for the months July and August 1999. Those two hot summer months were full of worries and expectations for me and I think for many others in al-Minya university. The university presidency came to the time of either change or continuation would happen. Our full respect to our former university president Professor Gamal Rizk. He accomplished a lot for the university, his successor Professor Maher Mostafa Kamel, was a very wise choice by the Minister of higher education and research, his Excellency Professor Mofeed Shihab. Professor Maher Mostafa Kamel was the vice university president for eight years and the dean of the faculty of medicine for six years. He is fully dedicated and liked by a great majority of the university community. This change is expected to give a greater forward push to every body. The new university president started his term in office by appointing four new deans and I was one of them. It is critical to comment on this choice being one among his selected deans. Time would be the judge on this matter.

I started my term as the dean for the faculty of medicine on Aug. 17, 1999. It is now almost one month in office and I feel that time is too short for all my dreams to be true. I dream of changing the attitude in the faculty of medicine to that of teamwork. I dream of changing the way of teaching to the interactive modern teaching. I dream of an efficient local area network for our faculty and university that has a fast Internet connection available to every body. I dream of teaching every member in our faculty of how to use the Internet and multimedia in teaching. I dream of reforming emergency medicine to up-to-minute efficiency. I dream of establishing a reliable up-to-minute medical records department. I dream of medical graduates who are humane and well trained. I dream of students? sports teams who gather gold medals in sports competitions. I dream and dream and....

I urge all who read this editorial, in al-Minya, Egypt and the whole world, who could offer any help to do so.
It is great to see all this dreams come true in too short period.

Links To Previous Editorials
  1. May 1999 (The Value of Computers and The Internet)
  2. June 1999 (Medical Students Attitude Towards Patients)
  3. Site Map