Integrated Medicine Research Association (India)
Dr.P.R.Mhatré President-Chairman A-5 Chaitraban, Off ITI Road, Aundh, PUNE 411007 INDIA





This book comes as a direct response to a demand for alternative systems of healing all over the world. It is the result of the personal observations of the Chairman during his long medical practice of over 45 years in Mumbai (India) of cures for chronic and intractable diseases by experts in alternative systems.

The book is intended to act as a catalytic reference volume between modern medicine and several alternative arts of healing, meeting an immediate consumer demand. It also offers a scientific and authentic exposition of the most commonly practised alternative systems of healing to the medical profession in order to help them develop the integrated way of healing and to further research in this field.

The book stresses the basic difference between the principles of alternative systems of medicine and modern medicine. While the former with their holistic approach believe and rely on the Energy System in the body and free flow of Energy to restore health, the latter believes entirely in the structural or cellular system. It tries to carry out repairs to the damaged cells, or tries to prevent further damage to the cells from microbes. This is done by powerful drugs, the side effects of which could be just as damaging and multi-coloured vitamins are freely used to restore health and strength. In desperation, even the once discarded drug, Thalidomide, responsible for "boneless" babies, is being tried for HTLV-III infections, with a tag "Not to be consumed by pregnant women".

Hence the main treatment part of modern medicine is in the hands of the R&D departments of the multinational pharmaceutical companies. The doctors only act as glorified chefs and use the ready-made cook book recipes offer to them. In the prevailing state of affairs the heavy expenditure of the R&D departments is ultimately borne by the consumer. Besides the modern technologically advanced diagnostic procedures are prohibitive. The simple method of pulse diagnosis where the patient's pulse "talks" directly to the doctor's fingers is a long forgotten art.

Alternative systems are much cheaper and affordable for the sick people of the under-developed and developing nations. Even government health care projects with their low budgets could use them freely, to enable the poor afford a life saving pill.

If alternative systems are provided with the funds and the expertise of modern research, we could have a comprehensive, integrated way of medical practice to help the poor ailing humanity. A change in the step-motherly attitude of the R&D departments of the multinationals towards this integrated approach may reduce their company's profits in the short term but would definitely lead to a greater efficacy of their research products in the long term. Hence this book, which is the first attempt of its kind, will help change the life of the sick suffering from chronic, intractable and functional diseases by making them available to them therapeutics through integrated research.

NOW is the right time to embark on this project, since WHO has given a clarion call to the medical profession, and welfare workers to work towards "HEALTH FOR ALL" by the year 2000 A.D. by looking at alternative therapies also.

This book gives a scientific and authentic exposition of the eight(8) most commonly practised and reliable alternative systems of healing, based on research done in the R&D departments of their own centres of higher learning. (These are enumerated on the HOME page)

The selected contributors have a high standing being very well qualified and having numerous original research papers to their credit. (These are mentioned on the HOW page)

The layout of the book is in TWO parts:

PART 1: This part gives detailed information about each selected Alternative System, its origin, geographical spread and expounds its philosophy and principles and how they follow the law's of nature. It also gives details of its methodology, the extent to which research has been done and directions in which future research is being done.

PART 2: This part is entirely devoted to therapeutics. We are following here the anatomical and physiological distribution systems of the human body and the most common organic and functional diseases that are found there, and the treatment followed in the various alternative systems for the same.


The editors, compilers and publishers expressly disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects from the improper use of the information contained in the book by non-qualified persons or for the negligent use by any person whether qualified or not.


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