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[Questions Appear In Bold and Answers appear in italics] Chris Shaffer, Jeff Pederson, Micheal David Smith, Greg Gardner, and Charlie Bushor. Where Did the Why Store start¿ Fishers Indiana How many albums are out from the Why Store¿ 3, Welcome to the Why Store, Inside the Why Store, and The Why Store. What Category do they fit into¿ Classic Rock What are there songs on the Radio¿ Lack of Water and Father What CD should I get¿ I suggest all of them. They are all good. The thing about the Why Store they have never made a bad song. What is a Whomie¿ A Whomie is a Why Store follower. Kind of like a Dead Head. What kind of music did Why Store play first¿ They Started out being a dead cover band. Then they started there own stuff. |