Magdalena's Cake Creations

I took up cake decorating as a hobby in spring of 1996, and have since taken several classes and done cakes for a few special occasions for friends, family, and friends of friends. I am not speedy and am too much of a perfectionist to ever make money from it, but I enjoy doing it. Some of the folks I've met on the net have heard me talk about working on cakes, and wanted to see pictures, so here they are.

These pictures are in roughly chronological order and grouped by year, so that if you wish you can see how I've improved over time (for example, the maypole cake is not frosted as smoothly as it should be, and the writing on the microbiology cake is a bit wobbly compared to some of my later examples).


Maypole Cake
May 1996

Cakes with Hummingbirds
March & September 1996

Microbiology Lab Retirement
June 1996

Cakes with Frosting Flowers
August 1996 - February 1997

The SPAM Cake
November 1996

Flower Basket
April 1997

Cakes with Heraldry
May 1997

Fondant Cockatiels
September 1997

Pastors Emeritus Cake
October 1997

My First Wedding Cake
November 1997

Bluebird Anniversary
February 1998

Basket Cake
May 1998

Poinsettia Cake
December 1998

March 1999

Cynnabar Tower Cake
April 1999

Chocolate Raspberry Torte
September 1999

Holiday Yule Log
December 1999

Princess Elayna's Birthday Cake
December 1999

Midair's Juggling balls
January 2000

My second Wedding cake
February 2000

Quilt Baby Shower Cake
May 2000

The Cynnabar Rock
April 2001

My Third Wedding Cake
June, 2001

Convertible Cake
August 2001

My Fourth Wedding Cake
(w/ gumpaste leaves)

October, 2001

Nursery Rhyme Baby Shower
April, 2002

Classic Pooh Baby Shower
December, 2002

Heraldic Elephant
March, 2003

March, 2004

Lute Cake
March, 2004

Very Hungry Caterpillar
August, 2004

Fifth Wedding Cake
(w/ fresh fruit)

October, 2004

Elmo Birthday Cake
December, 2004

Golden Anniversary Cake
February, 2005

Unicorn Tapestry Cake
(w/ gumpaste decorations)

April, 2005

Pansy and Ivy Wedding Cake
May, 2005

Wedding Cake w/ Fondant Vines
and Gumpaste Flowers

June, 2005

Dora the Explorer Birthday Cake
December, 2005

Arbeau's Orchesographie
Book Cake

April, 2006

Caroso's Il Ballarino
Book Cake

April, 2006

Square Wedding Cake
September, 2006

Fall Birthday Cake
October, 2006

Orange Drape Wedding Cake
January, 2007

Negri's Le Gratie d'Amore Book Cake
March, 2007

Playford's The English Dancing Master Book Cake
March, 2007

Rose & Basketweave Mini Wedding Cake
April, 2007

Links to Cake Decorating Websites

International Cake Exploration Societe
American Cake Decorating Magazine
Australian Sugar Craft
Cake Decorator's Cyber-Home
Cakinbakes's World Wide Web Page
Diane's Cake Decorating Home Page
Earlene Moore's Cake Decorating Page
Mary's Cake Decorating Home Page
Maggie's Cakes
Cake & Sugar Artists of Northern Virginia
Schroeders Bakeries Inc.



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Magdalena Vogelsang

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