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As you may have guessed, I was born and raised in the beautiful country-side suburb of Tampa Bay, Florida.

Country music, gospel, and country lifestyle is what you will find here.

And since I love to cook "country-style"--I'm talking about good-ol' southern barbeque and real old-fashioned "down-home style" cooking (love them vittles!), you will find links to this, as well!

Here are some of my favorites: Spareribs, cooked slow over a pit grill with hickory and my own homemade barbeque sauce, along with corn, baked beans, cole slaw, collard greens, mustard greens and turnips cooked my way so that they melt in your mouth, along with my own recipe cornbread.

Do you have a recipe or memory you'd like to share? Drop me a line with your great country recipes or stories and I will add your link to my page of Country Living!

Log Cabin

Country living links:

Montana Hideaway Cookin' With Grits!

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