Getting On–Something for All the Older People of the World

Getting On with Each Other

Are you sick of hearing people you know complain that 'we are all getting older'–as if that somehow meant the end of all we enjoyed or all we thought valuable, as if our ÔrealÕ lifetime didnÕt include this older part? Now weÕve been given the gift of longer lives, what are we actually doing with all those extra years? Many of us ARE in fact already doing interesting things that no-one else knows about. GO encourages us to share our lives and become an active part of this natural community of ours, so that we can help ourselves and each other as much as possible. Another aim is to get society to take a more positive view of age; we are a resource to make use of, we should not be seen as a burden. And we ourselves need to make use of this incredible store of common knowledge and breadth of experience we have - which we often do not recognise as such - and bring it to light so that others can see and acknowledge it too. Most of all we hope through the GO project, that succeeding generations can make use of our store of experience some day. Things change, yes, and ways of life too; but the essence of human life is always the same, no matter which country you are from or what age you are. So GO also wants to bring the world of older people together internationally- sharing the content of our lives, and the solutions we discover to our common problems. As we GO forward, we will also learn how to get on with each other across national boundaries. And most of all, we want to have fun while we are doing it.

Getting On With It

First launched in a very small way in UK last November as a newsletter, a website was added in April 2004 ( This site is planned to become more interactive in future so that a lot of exchanges can go on between those who use computers. But those without computers will not be left out- this meant to be a two way interchange. One of the aims of the printed newsletter is to bring you the main points of any dialogue that happens between GO members etc online; besides which it already brings you Web content relevant to our age group. We know that some older people find computer lore either too much to take on, or have no easy access to the hardware; this way you get a chance to see something of what is happening on the internet, plus it bridges the computer divide between people and countries. Each newsletter is loosely based around a country theme and at present contains regular topics like: creating communities/ news of the older world/ older peopleÕs dialogue / health issues, including an outline of a complementary therapy/ culture and values/ news of relevant projects/ a story of the past; besides much more within its 32 pagesÉÉÉ a lot of which we hope will come from you in future! As the main motive for G.O. is creating an older personÕs self-help community, it will change organically over time as the wishes and needs of members get highlighted. As it grows, so will the newsletter content, which depends on getting older peopleÕs input. Anyone is invited to participate and to talk of their experience of older peopleÕs concerns Ð you do not have to be a journalist! But please remember that the thread connecting all these diverse elements is how we older people can benefit from each othersÕ experience É since we are looking for solutions, the last thing we want is a litany of complaints. All the same, the articles can and will range over the gamut of our experience, comic to tragic; and controversies will NOT be avoided, we want a lively exchange, down-to-earth opinions. Especially useful are stories about working or living overseas; news relating to older people in your country, or national projects, events or activities; also accounts of recovery, or things that helped you in times of illness; product or book reviews, etc. [Email or send to postal address below].

LetÕs Get Going!

In concrete terms, to get this international community of older people going, we need people to spread the word that the projects exists and that it is up to us oldersters how it will evolve Ð i.e. letÕs create it together! We need people of any age 1) to join up as members, 2) to send in their articles, 3) and/ or their more general feedback. Members receive the same newsletter content, either by email or in print, and membership is open to anyone interested, whether for themselves, their families or just because theyÕre thinking of the future. You can request one free issue (email is preferred, so please specify if you want the print version). If you write an article, you will always get a free issue when it appears. Please also be aware that editing and delayed timing of articles will often be necessary to match up content and formats; but if ÔrewritingÕ seems necessary it will only be done through discussion and agreement with you. Lastly, donÕt forget there is a Getting in Touch column for membersÕ personal use, which is entirely free of chargeÐ i.e. brief ads for exchange or sale of items, overseas trips or property etc, companions, partners, whatever you wish or need to publicise.


Newsletter: all members pay £6 annually (or US$12) entitling them to receive the newsletter; itÕs your choice whether you receive the material by email to print up at home (free), or the printed B&W format at an additional cost of £6 (plus, depending on area) - to cover printing, postal rates etc. Memberships for the printed version -- UK: £12 / OUTSIDE UK:- Europe: £17.50 or 26 Euros / - USA or Canada: - US$38 / Other countries £21 or US$38.

Payment Methods:

Sending Money: Bank cheques, postal orders, or international postal coupons.

Credit Card Payments: Only via Paypal at present; apply through the Paypal web page. Check first with GO by email if you have not yet set up your own free account with Paypal.

Postal address:

Getting On
P.O. Box No. 3080 Norwich, UK NR1 4ZB.



Hermia Brockway © 2004

Copyright© 2004, Undiscovered Worlds Press