Articles & Stories

Last updated 22nd June, 2004

Getting On–Something for All the Older People of the World
An exciting new project to create a worldwide self-help network for those over 60 years of age.

The Undiscovered Worlds crew catch the eternal questing spirit while living in Denver, Colorado, in the early 1990's.
"We speculated that unknowingly, we had embarked on a Grail Quest. Was such a quest practical for three ordinary people (or hobbits, as we sometimes think of ourselves) in the 20th Century?"

Letter to Peter Hale
Going through our computer files in preparing this website, we came across a letter we wrote to Peter Hale in 1991. Peter and an other old friend used to visit us when we lived in Palm Springs. The letter somehow catches the spirit of our time in Denver.

Panning for Gold in Colorado
The Undiscovered Worlds crew try their hand at panning for gold.
"...we could see tiny gold flakes glistening in the black sandĐor what we thought was gold"

Destination Pearblossom, California
The Undiscovered Worlds crew venture into the Mojave desert in search of a town called Pearblossom.
"Dawn came up like thunder over California's central valley, but no one felt any distress. The terrain looked like a make-believe desert of large brown dunes, in real life they were only hills, brown with California's dead annual grass." Reprinted from UWP newsletter #2 September 1989.

Centers of Culture and Wisdom
"For sometime now the California staff have scanned the horizon looking for a place, a large house and land that would make a suitable home for our publishing enterprise..." Reprinted from UWP newsletter #3 1989.

Living Stones
by Lindsey Campbell.
"Those of you who know Loch Tayside, in Highland Perthshire, deep in the secret heart of Scotland, know that it is a world apart. It has no wish to associate itself with the squalid waste of days and resources that we consider normal life." Reprinted from UWP Newsletter #2 September 1989.

UWP Editors Survive the Big San Francisco Earthquake
"Our experience of it was, however, very mild indeed unless you get nervous watching traffic lights of the overhanging type bend and sway about six feet in either direction."
Note: This earthquake is commonly known as the Loma Prieta earthquake and occurred on the 17th October, 1989 in the San Francisco Bay area.
Reprinted from UWP newsletter #3 1989.

Living at the foot of Devil Mountain.
"What is happening of course, is probably not due to conscious thought so much as alterations in that realm of universal mind which is not conscious."
Reprinted from UWP newsletter #3 1989.

In This Broad Valley
by Raymond Foster
Raymond Foster's haunting story of visiting a place in Africa he once knew in a past life.
"It was strange how a place could exert such a pull, even from the insubstantiality of a map. That broad valley was nearby, and I had to visit it."

The Strange Principle of Messages in Bottles
"Down through the ages, some messages in bottles have survived and some have not. When the great library at Alexandria in Egypt burned, the lore of the entire ancient world was lost in the conflagration."
Reprinted from UWP newsletter issue #1, March 1988.

Glimpses of The Mystical World of Java & Religions for Peace
by Prio Hartono
"In The Mystical World of Java, Mas Prio Hartono, as a son of Java, discloses the Mystical World of Java as the Javanese himself experiences it. Descended from a long line of ancestors steeped in the spiritual life of Java, he reveals an unsuspected cultural heritage. Here are selections from his last book, The Mystical World of Java." Reprinted from UWP newsletter #3 1989.

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