lawrence turns tapedeck on.
kariB will now attempt to be more eloquent and make fewer typos.
kariB grins.
lawrence says, "well I think your professor (Dr. Elizabeth Grosz) studies birds too much :), its a very biological/behavioral thing to say"
lawrence says, "we dont see each other much online"
kariB says, "she made the point that humans have no natural visual attractors--naked people aren't that interesting visually (after a minute or so)"
kariB says, "no, but we still focus on visual description"
lawrence says, "hmm I dont know if I agree with that nudity thing"
lawrence says, "naked people are interesting visually :)"
kariB says, "she was a wacky visitor from australia, this prof...elizabeth grosz, if you care to look into her work"
lawrence says, "she sounds wacked :) - ahh life in Austin "
kariB says, "nude people are interesting, but naked, hmm...."
kariB says, "nudity still has a hint of suggestion, not all is revealed"
kariB says, "the city of the lotus eaters this is ;)"
lawrence says, "or Kenneth Clark"
kariB grins.
kariB says, "so why brooklyn and not austin?"
lawrence says, "geez I dont know"
lawrence says, "Austin seems kinda isolated"
kariB nods very strongly.
kariB says, "I didn't know it was such an island. brooklyn is on an island,
but that's a different story ;)"Br>
lawrence says, "so I chose New York"
kariB says, "I think I may head there after grad school. depending on who will give me a job, of course"
lawrence says, "what kindof job are you gonna look for?"
kariB says, "teaching, college level."
kariB . o O ( in my dreams] )
lawrence says, "well dream on girl - you will attain it"
lawrence says, "I'm listening to cheesy Italian horror movie music"
kariB says, "I intend to. just hope that there's a wave of retirements ;)"
From one of the interior rooms, bits of conversation drift across the porch.
kariB says, "I've got billy bragg on"
lawrence says, "I like to think of horror movie music sometimes when I'm walking at night down a dark street"
lawrence says, "it helps me see the situation as slightly silly"
kariB says, "that will add spice to life ;) I'm too yellow."
lawrence says, "well Manson had this drug paranoia trip about "ride the fear"
which is kinda interesting - one of the few interesting things he came up
kariB says, "certanly not his music..."
lawrence says, "I read this Ed Sanders book about Manson recently"
lawrence says, "freaky freaky"
kariB says, "being interesting, that is. oh, Ed? he lives up in Woodstock."
kariB says, "he's a fine guy. I met him before and had a short correpondence."
lawrence says, "yes my roomate thinks he is too self centered"
lawrence says, "my roomie met him too"
kariB says, "very much so, but it's not...egotistical"
kariB says, "he's more than a little absentminded these days."
lawrence says, "ahh egoless selfcenteredness :)"
lawrence says, "all those trips and freak scenes he made I spose"
kariB says, "hmm...or shall I say it's not because of a superinflated ego...
he's meticulous in some ways...."
lawrence says, "well the book is well written definitely"
kariB says, "if he can't find a file in his shed within 3 minutes, he will
reorganize all of his papers. all."
kariB says, "a whole shed-full."
lawrence says, "I know Ginsberg had quite a library of papers he was amassing"
kariB looks around at her piles of paper
kariB says, "ginsburg was a media whore, he collected and saved everything :)"
kariB says, "these guys have tremendous archives"
lawrence says, "yes I suppose he had the starpower bug just like Yoko"
kariB shudders at the thought of those two together. yes indeed
lawrence says, "I'm sure they met more than once"
kariB says, "they probably went out for double mochas every other tuesday :)"
lawrence says, "these Sixties icons hold a sway on my imagination though I
must admit"
kariB says, "what a city"
kariB says, "me too. Warhol had me by the nose for quite a time."
lawrence says, "I'm also into Fassbinder quite a lot"
kariB . o O ( I tinfoiled my bedroom )
kariB nods.
lawrence says, "well Warhol is a silver nut - you see it again from Smashing
Pumpkins image play"
kariB says, "but the ones that get me deepest are from the generation
before--like Frank O'Hara"
A small songbird swoops down and perches near one of the columns, looking for
lawrence says, "my roomate is a poet - loves Ohara and Ashberry"
lawrence says, "I dont know these guys so well, much at all"
kariB says, "don't scratch me, I'll start to spout..."
kariB grins.
lawrence says, "oh and lets not forget about Bob Dylan"
kariB says, "definitely not. bob is still quite a force."
kariB says, "I just heard his new album...impressive"
lawrence says, "yes he's the man - I want to hear it"
kariB says, "one of the radio stations here played the whole thing late last
night. very bluesy, but with some melodies which call back to his time with
the band"
lawrence says, "Warhol and friends are definitely the precursors to cool - but
it can leave one cold too, dig?"
kariB grins.
kariB says, "dig."
kariB says, "warhol is nothing but the mask."
kariB says, "aeh, wig."
lawrence says, "*geez* really? he said archly :)"
kariB says, "wigs get cold sometimes :)"
lawrence says, "its odd you'd say Mask because it makes me think of Yukio
kariB says, "that name--I know it but can't place it....?"
lawrence says, "Confessions of a Mask, Japanese writer committed hari kiri"
lawrence says, "homosexual militarist nationalist nutcase :)"
kariB says, "bingo, got it."
lawrence says, "but Andy had a big thing for feet"
lawrence smiles
kariB says, "feet are ugly when not in shoes..."
kariB grins.
lawrence says, "sometimes you see a nice pair, but not often"
kariB says, "life's like that."
lawrence grins
lawrence says, "I wonder why we dont have nicer looking feet?"
kariB is in slippers now, just so you know
kariB says, "they're functional."
lawrence says, "yes feet slam into the earth again and again supporting our
kariB nods.
kariB says, "and we're not as graceful as a dog or cat--both of which have
elegant feet."
kariB says, "and we don't need fins. or feathers. quite a conundrum."
lawrence says, "well I dont know enough about Confessions of a Mask to make a
cogent statement about it and homosexual theory or whatever"
kariB nods.
From one of the interior rooms, bits of conversation drift across the porch.
kariB says, "I see the direction. I think this holds for the older
generations, but as for contemporary homosexuality, I'm not sure."
kariB says, "did you see the Pillow Book?"
lawrence says, "I havent read it or seen it"
lawrence says, "was it good?"
kariB says, "peter greenaway film, absolutely incredible. go see it, it's a
kariB says, "and the sexiest portrayal of a translator that one could ever
hope for..."
lawrence says, "you mean the asian woman? :) they are fetishized"
kariB says, "no, the brit :)"
lawrence says, "oh uh them too :)"
kariB wants to do literary translations :)
kariB laughs!
kariB says, "well, it's a better presentation than a mossy-toothed academic :)"
lawrence says, "well both Japan and England are island nations"
kariB says, "true"
kariB says, "and colonizers."
lawrence says, "I was hoping Shonen Knife would be the antiBeatles in terms of
kariB grins.
lawrence says, "do you know this band?"
kariB says, "well, they had a small showing"
kariB says, "I know a bit of them, not deeply."
lawrence says, "yes they make me want chocobars - they are a bit lighter than
themoptopped lads"
lawrence says, "Japanese stuff that sells here tends to be a little too cutesy"
kariB says, "I think that works the same way there..."
lawrence says, "I'm thinking of Pink Lady too, uh"
kariB says, "it's a culture I don't know enough about"
lawrence says, "yes they have a neverending taste for sentimental kitsch in a
kariB says, "the range of emotions is so different "
lawrence says, "I dont know much either, but Japan does impinge on our
consciousnesses more now I think"
lawrence says, "maybe impinge is a bad choice of words :)"
lawrence says, "I mean enter"
kariB says, "we've been forced to admit them :)"
lawrence says, "well we've been forced to admit their products"
kariB says, "just like we've been forced to admit homosexuality"
You hear the sounds of a piano in the distance, but you don't recognize the
lawrence says, "ahh back to homostuff"
kariB says, "by "them" I mean their ways of life and culture, not actual
lawrence says, "homo is very BIG these days culturally"
kariB says, "it leapt to mind...both are things to which most americans would
like to ignore, I think (tho I hate that "most americans" phrase)"
kariB says, "so many hollywood films with homo themes. it's a blast :)"
lawrence says, "I think the Japanese people are still a very distant presence
in American consciousness, not true for homos"
lawrence says, "well I feel people almost choose sexuality like a fashion
statement - a passing phase nowadays"
kariB says, "true. bt in terms of counter-culture (another loaded phrase),
japanese is big. japanimation and all the techno stuff. I see it here a lot"
lawrence says, "thats very true - the anime"
kariB says, "lots of LUGS--lesbian until graduation :)"
lawrence says, "its a technoerotic"
kariB nods.
kariB says, "we could publish this conversation as a zine, you know."
lawrence says, "also anime has a misogynist theme that safely plays cloaked as
a cartoon"
kariB says, "all we need are some graphics...."
lawrence says, "no problem - you want to put it out in Austin?"
kariB says, "it's more S&M in some ways...."
kariB says, "we could do two editions"
lawrence says, "I think Warhol had that S&M thing going on too"
kariB says, "we could meet on a semi-regualr basis and just print it up. like
a "dinner with andre" thing."
lawrence says, "whoah flip back to earlier tangent :)"
kariB says, "warhol definitely understood manipulation"
lawrence says, "meetings at the cyberBlack Mountain"
kariB says, "it's a circular construction :)"
kariB says, "great title."
kariB says, "we could invite others, too."
kariB . o O ( can you see that I don't get out much socially?? )
kariB grins.
lawrence says, "hey sure - but wait I wanted my room to get the attention :P"
kariB says, "we can switch off..."
kariB says, "besides, i wouldn't always want it to be here."
kariB says, "too much to clean up after, and those hors d'oevors get
kariB grins.
kariB . o O ( spell check! )
kariB says, "next time it's your room"
lawrence says, "well I guess I realy must give into the sleep need"