I's wicked--I is. I's mighty wicked, anyhow. I can't help it.-Harriet Beecher Stowe

and that could be the understatement of the year;P

Like I said before, welcome! This page is more personal and private yadda yadda yadda info about me..things that you were dying to know, I'm sure. Questions that I often get like "What is your name? Does it rhyme with Tutti Frutti? etc. etc.
all together now..."awwwwwwwwwwwww............" even then I had to test everything out for myself......
the name 'Memory Lane' is a little play on my name and one of my best qualities.
Smruti (pronounced like frui-ty)in Sanskrit means 'what's remembered' and boy, is that ever true. I seem to have an unlimited memory for trivia, musical lyrics, poetry, people's names, little known facts, (I'd be great on Jeopardy!) What I can't unfortunately remember as well are those important bits of information learned in organic chemistry (what was that formula again?) what kinds of cars people drive (I..I think it was a black Nissan Maxima) and of course, that all important question....what happened last night on (fill in the name of your current obsession/TV show here)
so here's me 27 years later.....yeah, so I'm going to a party!
I've surrounded myself with one of my passions, coffee! (I'm still looking for a chocolate themed wallpaper...if you know of one, please let me know!) so while we're on thaat topic, here's a brief (and if you know me, you'll know that I'm never brief!) background I was born in Skokie, Illinois in 1972 with a twin brother (no, we're not identical, we're FRATERNAL) named Gautam. I'm older by three minutes (he claims I act like....well, let's not go there!) here he is
and here's my parents doing the cool, dark shades look in Napa...guess which winery they're at.....here's a guess...it has a tram!
Soon after, my family moved to San Jose, California, so I am a certified 'California Girl' (but without a Valley accent...I'm Northern California! Skipping ahead a few years, I went to undergrad at UC Davis,(go Cal Aggies!) where I majored in psychology and biology (no, not cow-tippping,you could get expelled for that!) I then went to Lousiana, err Louisiana and New Orleans where I got my Master's in Public Health at Tulane School of Public Health. Click on my N'Orleans link for more pictures and stories of my two years there.(COMING SOON) Currently, I work as a research analyst for the STD Control Branch of the Department of Health Services in Berkeley. And there we are, now having reached 1999. Please wait till the time machine has come to a full and complete stop and check for all belongings you might have brought with you on this trip.
And now to the good stuff.... for my early Sylvia Plath-esque attempts click here... Meanderings 1