Broadcasting continually from the

Seminole Capital of the World...

Welcome to Mike Shivar's Home Page!

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© 1997
You are theperson to visit here! (so many hits, it's hard to keep track of!)

Welcome to my web page! My name is Mike Shivar and I like to write poetry.

Every poem listed here is of my own work (unless noted) with

some serious,
some lamenting,
some in love,
some in regret,

but all apart of me!

This page is under constant development--keep an eye open for new "stuff".

Below are some other cool sites that include games, pictures of and background on myself, helpful web-page building sites, and other interesting things. So don't be shy, check it out!

Getting from here to...

Poetry Assessment Report Template Jessica Drake's Corner Shockrave Online Games! (need Shockwave?) Personal Interests WCW Wrestling Mike Shivar's Resume Hotmail Espn Sports Webpage-building Help File manager Color Center Chaires Extended Daycare Program

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