In tribute to my highly regarded actress of all times, Audrey Hepburn. To the hearts of her countless fans and admirers, Audrey lives on as the beloved actress, the ideal mother, and the world humanitarian she has always personified 
Toujours Audrey
Audrey Rose
"Her polish seems to have been born with her. She spoke beautifully, walked beautifully, dressed beautifully -- And her manner and persona was as polished as no one that I've ever seen in my entire life -- on and off the screen."   Stanley Donen

On this web page, you'll meet the characters Audrey portrayed. You'll also see "fresh" photographs and image captures as time and space permit. To get the "feel" of what she's like, however, I strongly suggest you watch her in moving pictures because they are the closest you and I will ever get to knowing the fair lady, the actress! On her life and humanitarian legacy, you can turn to  The Official Audrey Hepburn Website,   the UNICEF,  and at least a dozen book biographies as well as the fan websites devoted to Audrey. You might even stumble into a static page such as this one. But, once you've seen her in moving pictures, I'm sure you'll agree that her natural poise and grace, magical charms and wit are a class all its own to witness and behold. Her style of acting is instinctive and very subtle. You must experience Audrey through her films. One fellow fan says: "Falling in love with Audrey Hepburn is an essential civilizing experience...."     

Roman Holiday, her first film with Paramount, is one excellent movie to start on. It tops my list of favorites followed closely by The Nun's Story,  Breakfast at Tiffany,  Funny Face,  My Fair Lady,  Two for the Road,  Sabrina,  Charade,  Robin and Marian, Wait Until Dark, Love in the Afternoon,  The Children's Hour,  The Unforgiven,  How to Steal a Million,  War and Peace, Always, and the hauntingly beautiful story of The Green Mansion. To fully appreciate the last, you must read W.H. Hudson's classic.

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Page launched 16 May 1998.

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