95C03 was in NJC from 1995 to 1996. Those 2 years were real hectic and the numerous 'ATs' (how can anyone ever forget the horrible Academic Term tests?!?!) were enough to kill us. It's amazing all of us even survived it hehe...I might be lynched by the mob for saying this, but it seems to have made us NJCians more tough eh? *grin* All the juniors out there, don't believe it when people tell you uni is more "relaxing"!!! Number of hours spent in classes might be fewer, but but but! When it's time to hand in those assignments (ie. exams-are-round-the-corner-time!) I'm always like Hamlet, the epitome of procrastination. First of all, the panic makes me ask why I did not work harder and be more consistent during the term, and then I'd get a renewed determination to study harder next time round; sad to say when the new semester begins, I'm lulled by the "relaxed" mood ;Þ Needless to say the cycle goes on and on until you are done with exams for all time--graduation! (That is, IF I can graduate on time *fingers crossed*)
I reall miss those days when you have a fixed class; in uni one feels like a nomad at times, cos you go to each different class and meet different people; it's much more difficult to make good friends like you can previously in school. Those were the good old days. I miss all my friends like the 'mad woman' Yvonne ;) and our adorable cikgu Saharudin! For those of us who took Literature, how can we forget the scary Mr Whitby who sure kept us all on our toes in class??? But frankly I miss his dramatic lessons most of all, & I don't mean the drama pieces we are doing, if you get what I mean? ;) Dun get it, email me!
So I urge all of you to use this homepage as a means of keeping in touch; I know we are all busy and scattered, but do let us all know what we are doing and where one another is. By the way, this guestbook is free for all NJCians to sign :) Just make sure you tell everyone what class you are from! Cheers!
I hope to add some pictures of ours when I have access to a scanner. If you have anything you wish to add, do !
So far, fellow classmates have been here! Actually I'm overwhelmed by the number of hits this page has, all thanks to it being listed in Yahoo. I've done the same for my two other alma maters but somehow they are not chosen. Well, hopefully through this link others will discover my 6H and 4J pages!
PS.Reload if you came in through my Geocities homepage; the counter would be sort of 'corrupted' :Þ
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