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 Mid 70's Greater Los Angeles BBYO 
Chronology Page

This page contains information about each year of the 1970s for the Greater Los Angeles B'nai B'rith Youth Organization. If you have additional information you want included, please email me. Thanks again.

1970 Shofar articles

Grand Aleph Godol: Paige Reffe (Culver City, CA) (Ladera AZA)
International N'siah: Shelly Stuart (Philadelphia, PA)
District Godol: Ron Goldstein
District N'siah: Candy Reffe
District 4 Membership
(as of July 31, 1971):
AZA: 1,710 BBG: 2,589
District Convention: USC dormitories at Long Beach
District Convention Theme: Bridge Over Troubled Waters
Regional Godol: Paige Reffe?

1971 Shofar articles

Grand Aleph Godol: Michael Docterman (Rock Island, IL)
International N'siah: Marcy Rosenbaum (East Meadow, NY)
Regional Godol: Larry Stern (Westchester AZA)
Regional S'gan: Ken Rabner
Regional N'siah: Dawn Stern
Convention Chair: Andy Steiker

1972 Shofar articles

Grand Aleph Godol: Melvin Nasielski (Philadelphia, PA)
Grand Aleph S'gan: Ross Winn (Ladera AZA)
Grand Aleph Mazkir: Michael Lee (Ladera AZA)
International N'siah: Tracy Robinson (Houston, TX)
District Godol: Perry Netter
Regional Godol: Don Gershbock (Westchester AZA)
Regional S'gan: Michael Lee (Ladera AZA)
Regional N'siah: Andi Chyken
Regional S'ganit: Rena Shamie (Angeles BBG)

1973 Shofar articles

Grand Aleph Godol: Michael Lee (Culver City, CA) (Ladera AZA)
International N'siah: Jan Rothschild (Trumbull, CT)
District Godol: Don Gershbock (Westchester AZA)
District N'siah: Susan Leibl
Regional Godol: Rich Waldow (Menorah AZA)
Regional S'gan: Bill Hilliard (Westchester AZA)
Regional N'siah: Rena Shamie (Angeles BBG)
Regional S'ganit: Melinda Sternfeld
Convention Chair: Vicki Rosen and Bill Hilliard
Regional Convention Theme: Kulanu B'yachad Achsav

1974 Shofar articles

Grand Aleph Godol: Bruce Zimmerman (Houston, TX)
International N'siah: Janni Lehrer (Vancouver, BC)
District Godol: Bill Hilliard (Westchester AZA)
District N'siah: Melinda Rudd
District 4 Membership
(Final 1974-75):
AZA: 1,683 BBG: 1,995
Regional Godol: Mark Frydman (Ladera AZA)
Regional S'gan: Ken Kossoff (Ladera AZA)
Regional N'siah: Cindy Luster (Unity and Dalya BBG)
Regional S'ganit: Edy Gershbock (Westchester BBG)
Regional Membership
(Final 1974-75):
AZA: 271 BBG: 298
Convention Location: El Cortez Hotel, San Diego
Convention Chair: Ken Kossoff and Shelley Fradkin
Kallah Location: Camp Hess Kramer, Malibu
Kallah Chair: Marilyn Landau, Gordon Van Zak, and Joe Carmel

1975 Shofar articles
1975 Regional Rosters

Marc Sherman

Grand Aleph Godol: Joel Kaplan (Miami, FL)
International N'siah: Shari Miller (Potomac, MD)
District Godol: Fred Petrovsky (Phoenix)
District N'siah: Ellen Feldstein
District Convention: University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA
Regional Godol: Marc Sherman (Yaacov Springer AZA)
Regional S'gan: Dave Matcha (Covenant AZA)
Regional N'siah: Edy Gershbock (Westchester BBG)
Regional S'ganit: Ina Jaffe
Convention Location: El Cortez Hotel, San Diego
Convention Theme: We May Never Pass This Way Again

1976 Shofar articles

Dave Matcha

Grand Aleph Godol: Jeb Brownstein (Portland, OR)
International N'siah: Lori Banov (Charleston, SC)
District Godol: Dave Green
District N'siah: Karen Franklin
District Convention: University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA
Regional Godol: Dave Matcha (Covenant AZA)
Regional S'gan: Russell Sawyer (Menorah and Westchester AZA)
Regional N'siah: Shellie Axelrod (Sabra BBG)
Regional S'ganit: Harriet Rotter
Kallah/Convention Chair: E'lyse Braiman [Sherman] and Chuck Feldman
Kallah/Convention Location: Camp Hess Kramer, Malibu

In 1976, Convention and Kallah were combined for the first time.

1977 Shofar articles

Grand Aleph Godol: Barry Machlin (Boston, MA)
International N'siah: Jodi Binstock (Denver, CO)
District Godol: Philip Rosenberg
District N'siah: Abbe Meyers (Mountain)
District Convention: University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA
Regional Godol: Russ Sawyer (Menorah and Westchester AZA)
Regional S'gan: Steve Gottlieb (Yami AZA)
Chuck Allen (Yami AZA)
Regional N'siah: Linda Hirsch (Yididim BBG)
Regional S'ganit: Jamie Allen [Black] (Brentwood BBG)

1978 Shofar articles

Grand Aleph Godol: Mark Plotkin (Potomac, MD)
International N'siah: Jois Brownstein (Portland, OR)
District Godol: Mike Silverman (Central)
District N'siah: Robanne Silver (Central)
District Convention: June 22-27, 1978 at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA
District Convention Theme: With Sisterhood and Fraternity...
District Convention Chair: Mike Weill and Sheila Devore
Regional Godol: Sam Halbers (Continental AZA)
Regional S'gan: David Sadwick (Yaacov Springer AZA)
Regional N'siah: Jamie Allen [Black] (Brentwood BBG)
Regional S'ganit: Ann Victor (Brentwood BBG)
Convention Theme: Stayin' Alive (yes, by the BeeGees)
AZA Chapter of the Year: Continental and Yaacov Springer

1979 Shofar articles

Grand Aleph Godol: Mark Kleinman (Dallas, TX)
International N'siah: Jacquelyn Altman (Downsview, Ont.)
District Godol: Stuart ? (Southwestern)
District N'siah: Jamie Allen [Black] (Brentwood BBG)
District Convention-Institute: University of the Pacific in Stocton, California (June 21-26)
District Convention-Institute Theme: Like a Hurricane...
Regional Godol: Mitch Mlynarski (Yami AZA)
Regional S'gan: ?
Regional N'siah: Ann Victor (Brentwood BBG)
Regional S'ganit: Lisa Weisbrod-Golden (Dimona BBG)
Convention Theme: If You Will It, It Is No Dream


In 1980, GLA and Valley Regions merged to become the Pacific Coast Region.

This information was constructed with the help of various people including: Jamie Allen [Black], Shellie Axelrod, E'lyse Braiman [Sherman], Joe Carmel, Bill Hilliard, Don Gershbock, Edy Gershbock [Seaver], Ken Kossoff, Marilyn Landau [Gerbi], Vicki Rosen [Smith], David Sadwick, Andy Steiker, Larry Stern, and Po Van Zak [now Meagan Manheim]. Thanks for all the help.

Please e-mail comments, corrections, misspellings, or additions to: Bob Alexander. This page was last updated January 16, 1998.

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