In Loving Memory of Snugglebuns, 1999 - 2004...
Snuggles was my dwarf-lop bunny. I got her on
the 15th of October, 1999 and she was 4 1/2 years old. Her fur is all black, so it's kinda hard to see here eyes, especially in pictures...=)!
I named her after my favorite brand of softener (Snuggle) and added the
's' behind it.
If you're one of those who haven't had the
chance to see her in real life, boy, does she have attitude! When she's
good, she's really really good, but when she's bad, she's HORRID!
I used to let her run around the room, and
she will come and cuddle up with me on my bed or on the floor. I think
she likes being with us humans, because she'll come sit or rest near
somebody most of the time.
Pictures of my sweetie pie