Links & Homepages
Below is a list of homepages which belong to friends of mine. It's been a while since I've visited them so I don't know if the links still work and how updated their websites are. But I guess if you have nothing else to do, you can browse around a little, which is the beautiful thing about the internet.
Wendy's Homepage Pirochan's Page
Andrew's Homepage Avatar Realm
Mr Ed's Homepage TJ Design Studio
Amadeus Vincent's Homepage
Tang's Homepage Johnson's Homepage
Hussain's Homepage
Here is a list of websites that I visit often or find very interesting. Actually, now that I look at it, it doesn't look that interesting. Maybe I need to surf around more sties.
Anime Turnpike Animenation
Hotmail ICQ
Darkhorizons Futurama
Winamp EzyDVD
Taronga Zoo Hallmark
Font Garden Google
1001 Postcards Central Dzine