The Story 12 MAR 98

WE are DOOMED!!!

On 22 OCT 97 we in the 127th Wing Fuels section were told by the regional Civilian Personnel Officer that as of 1 APR 99 our section would be disbanded and turned over to a private contractor. This section has a make up of 6 full time Civilian Air National Guard employees, 2 Full time Military Technicians, 2 full time Air Force Reserve augment's, 2 full time temporary Air National Guard Employee's, 23 traditional Air National Guardsmen, 9 Traditional AF Reservists, 4 AF Reserve Individual Mobilization Augments and 28+ traditional Naval Reservist's. If this facility is privatized, where will these people go? What facility will they have to train at? How will this effect military readiness?

Our Military leaders and our Politicians must answer these questions long before this action takes place. The day we were notified it was told to us, we would have the answers within 60 days. As of this time we have no answers.

This is the action that is presently proposed, The unit will lay off only the 6 Civilian employee's which will cause the implosion of the section, by no longer being able to meet the 3 squadron's mission requirements. The other six employee's will be moved to other functions that they will have to retrain into.

This will leave six war time tasked positions unfilled. Military technicians must have compatible military and civilian positions. The Air National Guard is the most Bang for the Buck that our government has available. This branch has proved itself over and over again. How much bang do you get from a private contractor? I do not wish to imply that a private contractor is cost inefficient or incapable. In some instances it is sensible to privatize a function of the military. This instance is not one! The realized savings to the Air National Guard in this case are the cost of six full time positions. There for the private contractor must bid in with an amount less than the cost of these six. The contractor will have to bring in at least ten personnel to maintain flying and facilities.

The Federal Wage Administration has determined that federal employees are already paid below most of their private industry counterparts. The employees that take jobs with the contractor will have to take at least a 7 dollar an hour cut under the present employee's wage to make a cost savings possible. To my knowledge, under present law a contractor must pay employee's comparable to that of which are being replaced. It has been explained to the present employees that the lose of there jobs has nothing to do with saving the government money. It is simply shifting funds from one pot to another. It is widely known this will cost our government more, however this seems not to be a concern. At least to the Military and our politicians. Even though our section is made up of twelve very devoted employees. This is still 3 less than present manning standards authorize. It is because of this devotion and professionalism and the need to cut operating costs that allows us to meet mission and training requirements on a seven day a week basis.

I have been told that this concept of operations has occurred at other bases. That the Military Fuels fall into a laze fair mode. Because the contractor is being paid to do their work, their only concern being, what is on sale at the BX. Before the Navel Reserve moved in with us they only read about their Military Occupational Specialty out of a manual because they had no facility to train. Now we will train and deploy together as a true joint operating force. If Privatization occurs I believe the effort will all be for not.

I have been a member of the Fuels section here both civilian and military for over 20 years. I have supervised contractors twice in the past while deployed in a military status. Both times I was not allowed to service any of the aircraft assigned to my unit or any other Unit due to the contractor being paid for this service. Only in the circumstance of conflict or war, were we Military personnel allowed to operate at these locations. After a while of this concept it would not make any difference. Military Personnel could not be trained, evaluated, or even trusted to freely conduct contingency operations on short notice. I believe it is there for imperative that the decision to privatize this facility or any facility that is home to a Lead Core Unit, or UTC tasked unit, be reversed. That legislation be enacted to insure that facilities and equipment be available for Guardsman and Reservists to maintain the same high level of training that the American people expect of their Military. Be it active or Reserve.

If it is determined that our services are no longer needed than we will make our final salute, turn and walk away. But in the meantime we will continue our counter assault to convince our Military and Civilian leaders that this is an inapt decision. I am not an official or politician, this is my opinion of what is happening and what will happen. It is solely based on my experience, observations and the lack of meaningful answers to my questions. If you have a different opinion or know of a similar occurrence at another installation please write.

If you have any questions that I may be able to answer or just want to know more please email me! If you agree with my perspective and want to help, please write your Congressman and Senators. Thank You.

Today 13 JUL 98 we got the word, privatization will take place in the Fuels section. We have lost our battle. To those of you who supported us, thank you. To those of you who sold us out, shame On you. Our service is still needed however we are not. The plan has been approved even though no performance work statement (PWS) has been submitted. The PWS is the plan. Due you find this strange? A professional Military organization sold to the lowest bidder. As of 1 APR 99 the 127 LGSF will cease to exist. It has been a great run for the past 28 years. If you need fuel during a conflict call ACME. Good bye and good luck. Please check back often. I will update this as events take place. If there is one thing that I have learned in 25 years with the Military, everything is subject to change.

3 SEPT. 98 Today our Outsourcing and Privatization committee briefed us. Some tough questions were asked.

Q: You are only contracting out a small portion of my job and you are not putting all of my duties in the PWS. Won't this make it easier for a contractor to bid on my job?

A: Yes, however it will give you a better chance to secure another job through the RIF process.

Q: Can you guarantee that this action will not adversely effect the 65 to 70 Military personnel in the base Fuel section.

A: No, but we are trying to work this problem.

Q: When will the cost comparison study start, and how far back will you study?

A: The cost comparison study will start in APR. 99 and go back 6 months.

Q: Can we government sections effected attempt to cut costs and streamline our operations before that period begins?

A: Yes, but you can not implement a Most Efficient Organization (MEO) concept.

Q: Since I am a supervisor in the ANG, if I were to take a job with the contractor in the same function, would this create a conflict of interest?

A: Possibly, we would have to have the JAG review it.

Q: We have 12 possibly 13 full time personnel in the base Fuel section. Why are only 8 being affected?

A: We have only included the 6 full time ANG personnel and the 2 AFR augments. At this time, it has been determined that Fuel distribution, Lab, and Fuels accounting is a commercial operation. Bulk storage is not and will be retained in house and operated by Military personnel.

Q: Defense Energy Support Center (DESC) has basically determined that Bulk Fuel Storage is a commercial operation. How have you determined it is not?

A: Because we have. It was a determination that was made and OK'ed at higher headquarters.

Q: When will we employee's be terminated or relocated?

A: By 24 SEPT. 99

Q: Some time back all positions in the base fuels section were designated Military essential and reclassified as such. In APR. of this year 10 of the positions were reclassified again as non-military essential. It was told to us this had nothing to do with meeting personnel ceilings. I asked who had made this determination?

A: COL Brad Copeland at the Air National Guard Readiness Center.

Q: Why are we determined not to be Military essential, however every other ANG base in the country is?

A: The answer to this was an interesting one. The base Fuels flight at Selfridge is considered Base Operating Support and would not be deployed in a conflict hence this makes them non-military essential.

There are 6 of the employees that have no reserve commitment but were non the less performing an important function by keeping Reservists trained and current. Before APR 98 they were considered Military essential. It is an UN-truth that they would not be deployed in an emergency. Many of us have been deployed in a non military status for various reasons including emergencies. It is our contention that the Streamlined A-76, Direct conversion under A-76, A-76 cost comparison study or any other A-76 is a ruse simply being implemented to comply with manpower ceilings. If you know anything about A-76, you make the determination.

We also believe that any ideas we have for saving the taxpayers money will fall on deaf ears. For as it is now just like back in OCT 97 it has nothing to do with cost. Only getting rid of Government Employees. Making the taxpayers believe it is saving them money. In the short run it may save a dollar or two. If the contractor can undercut the Government function targeted by just one dollar, he is in. If anything unusual should come up that the Military requires the contractor to do, a contract modification is made, requiring the government to pay more $. We DOD employees do not receive more money for unusual tasking. We must take an oath to follow orders and we can not bargain pay. We do have the option to complain but only after the tasking is complete. Any saving of money by contracting out a function is usually profit for the contractor.

20 MAY 99 We are still hanging in there. To my knowledge the bids will be opened next week. We will then find out if the AF saves that dollar they so desperately desire. As I have learned more about this process and studied it, I have found fairness does not count. This process is strictly to get rid of Title 5 government employee's at any cost, under the guise of saving the taxpayers money.
Over the last twenty years this organization under the tutelage of Mr. Bill Langworthy had built itself into a Most Efficient Organization without knowing it. We presently do with 11 people what will take at least 16 or 17 in the near future. That is an addition of five or six people. The numbers do not add up. No matter who wins the taxpayers and the military lose. To get to this point MAJCOM and and this base command have broken the rules of Competitive Sourcing like twigs on a forest floor. By deception, withholding of information, lack of foresight, and ignorance. We are presently formulating a list of violations which will be presented during the public review period immediately after the unsealing of the bids. It is imperative that we have your help. By writing or calling your Government representatives, and insisting that the institutions under their control follow their own rules. That common sense, fiscal responsibility and logic prevail. Remember that it is not a contractors job to serve you the public, it is their goal to create profits for their companies. I don't know about you, but this concept within the military scares me.

17 JUN 99 Early results of OUTSOURCING, Transit Alert will be outsourced in it's entirety. 4 positions in Communications squadron are gone. The kicker is, if these organizations were allowed to reorganize they would have beat the contractor's bid. Again you the tax payer suffers.

JUN 30th the Fuels section and Base Operations will undergo the cost comparison. WHEN WILL OUR LEADERS LISTEN to we workers?

Yesterday 30 JUN 99 1430 hrs the announcement was made. As of 1 OCT 99 we will no longer exist. The result of this action will keep 4 of the 13 Fuels positions in house. These employee's will conduct Fuels receiving and storage maintenance. The others will be retired or displaced. The Air Force deems fuel storage operations as a Commercial Activity. I guess the Air Guard does not. It's like two different Military's working against each other here. T Square will run operations while the Air National Guard will have to support the contractor with refueling vehicle Maintenance, Liquid Fuels Maintenance and Fuel storage. Traditional Military personnel will continue to provide 20% of the Fuels operation's even though the contractor is being paid to provide 100%.

If they really wanted to save $ they would have adapted our proposal back in DEC 97. The way it presently stands this outsourcing will cost approximately an additional $75,000 over three years! This is not including the additional administrative and legal expenditures it took to implement this policy.

With policy such as this, what is the use,


It is no longer up to you to decide, whether during an emergency you want a DOD employee, be it civilian or military to respond to the needs of our nation or community, you got T SQUARE.

7 JUL 99 I have reviewed the Government cost figures. My conclusion is the books are cooked. If allowed to appeal, I believe it would be found, 127 Fuels would win the cost comparison. Positions were added to the Government cost comparison that do not exist. If they do we Government workers would be entitled to a streamlined cost comparison. This would allow us to get our cost even lower. The way I figure it is, if allowed to conduct a Most Efficient Organization we Government employee's could save you the taxpayer between $75,000 and $100,000 dollars over 3 years. This amount is above the savings if contracted out. Please tell your Congressman!

20 AUG 99 AFGE Local 2077 files arbitration against Selfridge base management for failing to abide by the Union Contract concerning any A76 action and our right to appeal such action. I am also afraid we have a safety of flight concern. The person named the Quality Assurance Evaluator is not qualified in Aircraft Maintenance or Aircraft fuels.

26 SEPT.99 The QAE problem has been solved, by illegally appointing Military Technicians to perform this function as additional duties.

6 OCT 99 Only 6 days in to the contract, the contractor that took over Communications services asks for approximately $30,000 more. This additional expense makes the contractors cost approximately $21,000 over what it would have cost to keep the Government employees.

2 NOV 99. It is determined that Base Contracting unlawfully turned over the ANG's Fuel Facility to a Contractor. Federal employees that were moved out of the facility to an uninhabitable building must return. Contractor employees threaten to quit if this happens. 16 May, 2000 An Air National Guardsman is accused of harassing the contractor. Exactly what he did is not quite clear. He was forced to apologize by the same contracting officer that stated “ I can not let my contractor fail”

29 Aug 00. T Square president fires the same contractor employee that accused a Guardsman of harassment.

1 Sept. 00. We Government employees still have not moved out of our uninhabitable building. Almost a year after being affected. Instead of providing us with the things we requested they are constantly trying to finagle a way to make us move without negotiating. The items we ask for are not difficult to provide.

4 OCT 00. SANGB Instruction 23-3 dated 11 AUG 00 States: Only Contractor employees are allowed to extract or test fuel and cryogenic samples. I predicted this when this letter was first drafted. We ANG personnel could no longer be trusted to perform our function after being removed from doing it on a daily basis.

Presently Guardsman assingned to the Fuels Flight will no longer be able to perform make up UTA's during unscheduled periods. All make-ups will be approved by the 127th Chief of Supply. In the past an individuals NCOIC could make this determination.

24 OCT 00 We learned today, we lost our arbitration. Basicly the arbitraitor informed us no matter how immoral, expensive or damadging to readiness, A-76 is a no win for Government employees.

11 NOV 00 Navy Reserve Fuels personnel are locked out of their duty section. The Contractor has no one on duty to let them in.

16 FEB 01 Government employees still occupy an uninhabitable BLDG. Management still struggles with what to do with us as we continue to support the contractor. The answer is obvious except for those who refuse to see.

22 MAR 01 We have started augmenting the contractor with Military personnel. This has not been a practice up until now. Some of us knew it was only a matter of time. I believe this is only the beginning.

13 August 2001: We have missed our target date of 1 JUL 01 to relocate our operations back at the main building. The details just can’t seem to be worked out. We have meeting after meeting but no directives ever result. We submitted our requests for such 15 NOV 99. Latest rumor has it; CE will tear down our present facility (the box) and replace it with something similar to a MILVAN. There are no provisions to provide water to this new structure. This will leave an already uninhabitable facility without even a pot to piss in. Also this will add more cost that should be included for the price of contracting out. It should be realized that, there are two separate and distinct fuels sections here at Selfridge. One a non-profit organization and one for-profit organization. When our leaders determine this, maybe then something can be done.

23 AUG 01 It is determined by management Government Fuels personnel will move into contractors facility on 27 AUG. No protest is raised by the Union. This was due to Managements refusal to address issues brought up in NOV of 99.

29 AUG 01 The Union files a grievance and a 15 day Unfair labor Practice notification. The Grievance for, failure to properly notify employees and the Union of a change in working conditions. The ULP notification for failing to bargain in good faith.

30 AUG 01 1400 hrs. 127th WG Contracting Officer makes the statement during a meeting with affected employees and the Unions “The contractor is being provided free labor by Reservists” AFGE voices protest to same officer for unethical conduct.

15 OOCT 01: After recent world events the Contractor asks for and receives 390 plus hours of overtime at a rate of over 33 dollars an hour. Contractor employees receive little if any of this windfall. ?

11 NOV 01 It has been expressed by management in private discussions, that this web page is offensive and should be modified or eliminated. If there is anything that is inaccurate or miss leading, I have not been made aware of it. It has been suggested that further pursuit of fair, ethical and honest treatment for Government employees buy the Union, will get the remnants of the 127th Fuels flight eliminated by contracting it out.

22 January 2002: It has been expressed that the contractor was paid after the terrorist attack on Sept 11, 01 at overtime rates equal to that of Government employees. Contract employees received time and a half of hourly wage if they worked over a 40-hour week. Since this time the contract has been re-negotiated and overtime has been cut due to excessive expense of maintaining 24 hrs. a day. To my knowledge not many contract employees put in over 40 hrs. in 1 week. I did know of several individuals that put in 36 hours doing 12-hour shifts for three days a week. Possibly a couple people exceeded forty hours in a week. But for the most part, profits that were being paid for the employees benefit was not going to the employees. The big pockets of the contractor absorbed most of that. As of today, Government employees namely military personnel continue to do at least if not more than 20% of the work that the contractor owns and is being paid 100%. We learn that Base Contracting pays contractor for 24 DEC 01, holiday pay, even though this is not declared in the contract as a Holiday. I wonder if the contract employees received a day’s pay if they did not work? Maybe Contract employees would quit cutting each others throats for hours if Holidays were paid days off. The folks that worked did receive Holiday pay. I wonder how many other contract employees through out the nation received holiday pay for 24 DEC 01?

22 FEB 02: I have pursued this cause for a long time. Feelings have been hurt and frindships damadged. I must assure you this has not been my intention. However buisness pratices and personal relationships do not always commingle. For the most part facts and figures show that I am right most of the time. Take note, the Fuels career field is in dire need of trained troops who can be sent into harms way. Where have they all gone too? If you have to ask you should go back to the top and start over. Now all of a sudden the same people that were getting rid of Government Employees are now scrambling to find more while we who are still left bear the burdon of extended deployments and additional time in rather undesirable places. I will now turn the fight over to them. Thank you for the interest you have shown in this debate. This will be my final entry. While it is not over, for me, it is the End.

12 DEC 2003, I thought it was the end, I would comment on this subject no further. However, it is still a travesty and I feel I can not keep silent. Today I was in a strategic planning session. When the subject of training came up within our squadron, it was reiterated by the traditional NG superintendent, we have almost no control over our training. We can not accurately report our capability due to the fact we have no one qualified to fill the 040 requirement, even though we are required to do so. We were told by a senior management official “we are stuck with the contractor, we have to deal with it”. I asked again why all the mobility functions were contracted out and storage was maintained? I was told because bad decisions were made. It was admitted to me, that it did cost more, it did hurt training and continuity, however even though it was a bad decision, there is no way of reversing it. Presently Fuels flight, has the most vacancy's within the 127th Logistics Readiness Squadron. We are the only flight contracted out. It doesn't take a mental heavywieght to figure that out.

1 FEB 05 The contractor denies employees their vacation. Notification was given to Sankaty Aviation employees approximately 28 OCT 04 that their vacation time was on a use or loose basis. If vacation time was not used by 1 OCT 04 employees forfeited their time. Employees appeal to company management is to no avail.

The end?

"He knew the cost of everything and the value of nothing" "...morale is to the physical as three is to one"--Napoleon "End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag. Instead, minimize total cost. Move toward a single supplier for any one item, on a long-term relationship of loyalty and trust."--Deming

If you have any questions or would like to know what we base our conclusions on please email me!

Thank you

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