IDE, George H.
Company: Co. E; AGE; 26; Place of Birth (Residence): Medway, MA (Medway); Occupation: Clerk; Record of Duty: Corp. (7 Jl 61-24 F 62); k. at
Cedar Mt. (9 Ag 62)
INGALLS, Charles F.
Co. A; 25; Lynn, MA (Lowell); Clerk; w. in foot at Chancellorsville
(# My 63); DFD 22 F 64
INGRAM, Gilbert B.
Co. D; 24; Becket, MA (Tyringham); Farmer; detailed as hospital
attendant (62); MO Jl 65
IVERS, James
Co. A; 25; Ireland (Lowell); Moulder; w. in face at Gettysburg (3 Jl 63);
DFD 22 F 64