Our son Doug was playing ball with the Hahn Hawks High School baseball team and their games were scheduled
everywhere in the Federal Republic of Germany. We tried to make it to all the games and usually knew where we were going. One game though was to Wiesbaden Air Force Base and we had never been there so we decided to follow the team bus. We were in convoy with the bus, along with our friends Ross and Lorrie (Their son Donald was also on the team) and our car was bringing up the rear. For some strange reason Ross decided to pull off the autobahn (think it was car trouble but then with Ross you never knew). Anyway, we lost the bus and about 15 minutes time. We knew that the bus was going to remain on the A-6 or whatever autobahn we were on and the only way to catch the bus before it got off was to increase speed. We were doing 120 (thats miles per hour, not kph) when a car comes up behind us at a high rate of speed flashing his lights for us to get out of his way. It was a new Porsche doing around 140. Not to be outdone though was the motorcycle right behind the Porsche doing about 150 mph as it passed the Porsche. In about 30 minutes we caught up to the blue Air Force bus and followed it to the game.
There were 30 or 40 cars parked at the ball park and one slot open behind third base which Ross took. We parked way out along the left field area. I told Ross that was a bad place to park because of foul balls and he predicted it was safe to park there. (This is the same guy who said he was going to be quiet and not make waves and he would be staying at his present tour in Massachusetts til retirement. A month later, he got orders to Germany. He swears that I called in a favor and got him reassigned. This is not an expose, so I have no comment). You have probably already figured out that during the first inning a foul ball landed on his fender and put a fist size dent in it. I think it was his son that fouled off the pitch.