Rainy & Mimic
         Full Names: Raincloud & Mimic
               Nicknames: Rainy baby, Mim-kitty
               Given B-days: April 1, 1993
               Status: Missing
                   Rainy & Mim's lineage can be seen at The Bru Clan.
               Rainy is a long-haired grey & white kitty with a regal
               bearing. Mimic is a tabby and white kitty with an inno-
               cent look about her. Both are adorable! I include them
               on this page as they have been missing for over a year.
               We don't know if they will be coming back or not.
                  These sweet girls belong to my sister, Tammy. They
               are her precious babies.
                  For a long time, Tammy wanted to have them spayed
               but wasn't able to come up with the money to do so.
               They both had several litters of kittens, for most of
               which we found good homes. By the time she was able to
               have them spayed, Mimic had lost a lot of weight. After 
               the surgery, the doctor told Tammy that it was good that
               she'd had that done. Mim's reproductive equipment was
               in bad shape & full of infection. Tammy & I were doubly
               glad it was done after we heard that!
                  Both girls had very loving natures, though Rainy was
               a bit reserved. I could always count on a greeting when
               I went to visit. Rainy would always make it seem as 
               though she were doing me the favor. It was a facade,
               though. We were exchanging favors! She'd act indifferent
               for a little while but it never lasted! Soon, she'd be
               rolling & purring in such a way that no one could re-
                  Mimic was the more openly loving of the two. She had 
               a way of coming to meet me with wide opened eyes & her 
               head tilted that just made me melt, especially when she'd 
               meow in that sweet, soft voice! Rainy, however, was one 
               of the few members of the clan who didn't have much to 
               say for herself.
                  Tammy had bought a home that was in a bad way for
               repairs. While she was working on it, the cats kept find-
               ing ways to get out. Every time that poor lady would fix 
               an escape route, the cats would find a new one. 
                  Tammy still had Mimic's last litter of kittens when
               they began to disappear. Frantic, she searched every-
               where! They were nowhere to be found. After a month,
               we were told that a new neighbor had called the pound
               about Tammy's cats. The kittens weren't at the pound
               when Tammy'd looked there. This lady is good friends with our
               mom & told her later that she's highly allergic to cats.
                  Even though the lady knew who the kittens belonged to,
               she never talked to Tammy about the situation or told her
               about the call to the pound! While Tammy was searching,
               her kittens were waiting for a rescue that never came!
                  Tammy still had Rainy, Mimic & Kissifur (to be intro-
               ed later) but she mourned the kittens.
                  Then came the day when Mimic disappeared. Mim & Rainy
               were always meticulous about coming in but on this day
               Mimic was nowhere to be found. Remembering the kittens,
               Tammy also checked the pound but no Mimic.
                  Later, another of the kittens came home. Tammy was
               ecstatic! He was skinny and weak but he was in good
               spirits. His name was E.T.
                  After E.T.'s reapprearance, Rainy disappeared, fol-
               lowed by another disappearance by E.T. There was a lot 
               more frantic searching (pound included) but we've not
               seen them since. Tammy and I are heartbroken! With her
               husband, Bru's abuser gone, she was finally able to
               give her kitties the care they deserved. She was so
               proud of her beautiful babies and her ability to do
               right by them. Tammy had planned to have them for
               many years to come. I hurt both for and with Tammy!
                  Some would think this story as merely an excuse for
               negligence. I, however, know the truth of the matter.
               Tammy did everything she could to care for her kitties.
               Hers is the story of someone who did her best and sac-
               rificed for both her kids and kitties!
                   She did finally get all of the escape routes re-
               paired. We hope that Rainy & Mimic will come trotting
               back some day. No matter what, we'll see them again.
                  Ladies, you were an extra special pair! We can see
               you both in the remaining family members but it's just
               not the same as seeing you! If you've made your crossing, 
               I hope you know that your mom misses you very much! I 
               miss the special loving from you when I visit! The house
               has a big empty place that you used to fill and so do
               our hearts!!! If you're still here, please come home 
               if you can! We love you!

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                 Last Angel: Fuzzball     Next Angel: Mimic's Shadow

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              To: In Loving Memory           To: Keep Their
                                             Memories Alive!

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