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Greetings and felicitations to all out there in cyberspace, and especially to you duck and waterfowl enthusiasts! We're not really a farm in the commercial sense, but about 20 pet ducks call Big Al's little piece of paradise home, not to mention our year round and seasonal visitors. We love our "babies" and treat them like family at Big Al's!


SweetiePie, beloved feathered friend, a victim of avian viral enteritis.

Hatched in an incubator on Big Al's kitchen counter, SweetiePie spent most of his early ducklinghood in Al's pocket, and later had the run of the kitchen. He spent his first summer meeting people, swimming around in hot tubs, and generally being the life of the party. When he was fully fledged, he spent most of his time on the street in front of Big Al's house introducing himself to passers-by by bobbing and hissing, trying to cadge a snack, and scaring a lot of people in the process. SweetiePie became a neighborhood fixture. Motorists would stop, roll down the window and talk at him, just to see him strut his stuff. He was truly a "people-duck".

One of SweetiePie's most memorable adventures occured during the summer of 1998. During a ride on Barnegat Bay with Big Al on his SeaDoo, SweetiePie went for a swim and decided to find his own way home. When he didn't show for dinner, the largest duck-hunt in area history took place, both on land and sea. No SweetiePie. The local animal control office was notified, but still no SweetiePie! We were heartbroken!

After a few weeks, Al got a call from animal control about a duck fitting SweetiePie's description who was terrorizing a nearby neighborhood. Inquiries were made, and it turned out that SweetiePie had been living about a half mile away, living off bread crusts and cookies, when he wasn't bobbing, hissing or being chased off people's doorsteps and porches with a broom. He had been picked up by Animal Control and dropped off at a farm about 15 miles away. After a long chase around the barnyard and through a pigpen 2 or 3 times, big Al was re-united with his buddy! SweetiePie had lost a few pounds and was covered with pig dung, but otherwise none the worse for wear. He fattened up nicely, and soon was back to his former antics.

In May, 1999, after a short illness, SweetiePie went to Muscovy Heaven. We miss him terribly.

SweetiePie with Al (left), at dinner with the bird ladies, Ms. Robin and Ms. Mallard (right)


One of SweetiePie's grandchildren, CutiePie

Junior, a 3 week old mallard, enjoys a Cosmopolitan before dinner (left), HoneyPie and CutiePie taking it easy last summer (right)

Last summer we hatched 3 of SweetiePies grandchildren, CutiePie, HoneyPie, and Rodan-o. Rodan-o was reared at the nearby MillCreek Waterfront Bistro, and the others in big Al's kitchen and yard. Later, Rodan-o relocated to Big Al's after HoneyPie left for the city. Last week, Rodan-o disappeared! A few days later, Dave the Animal Control officer stopped by the farm, and who was in the truck but the prodigal duck. He had traveled about a mile up the creek and taken up residence on the back porch of a very nice family, spending most of the day pecking at their Christmas tree through the sliding glass door. He seemed glad to be home, but after enjoying a good meal or two, he was off again. Mrs. Very Nice Family phoned Big Al the next day to come get, Rodan-o, who apparently wanted to spend more quality time with the Christmas tree. Big Al had no choice but to incarcerate him for a few days.

When ducks go bad!

The Prisoner and his guard, CutiePie

Follow the antics of our babies all year 'round:

Spring at the Farm

Summer Frolics

Winter Chills and Thrills

Thank you for all your nice comments-More is on the way! You can contact us at :

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Big Al's "Ducklinks"

site last updated August 9, 2004

This wordlist is for the benefit of the search engines: big al's duck farm barnegat bay mill tuckerton ocean pond bayman webbed duckbill southpark vent peking muscovy call old cayuga buff orpington indian runner canada goose geese gaggle pellets dabblers dabbling gizzard wings duckling manahawkin gretna creek garden state parkway long beach island sticky eye dropwing eggs nest mating birds waterfowl web-footed friends quack quackers ferndock davits boat mudducks, poopers, guano, droppings, pinfeathers peckers