Golden Valley Sundancer
Barname: "Sunny"

Owner: Pippa O | Rider/Handler: Pippa O | Stabled At: Signature Farm |

Breed: Morab
Registration No: #158-00014
Sex: Colt
Age (YOB): 1yo (2000, Speed Aged))
Colour/Markings: Star/Stripe, 2 Coronets
Height: Mature to Around 15hh
Sire x Dam:Golden Valley Skydancer x MM Picture of Innocence
Offspring: None
Possible/Current Disciplines: Halter, Hunter, Possibly Hunter/Jumper or maybe dressage. Possibility as a Saddleseat and Harness Horse.
Points: 0


"Sunny" is a beautifull tempered horse. He is showing a lot of promise and we are already starting to train him to clip, tie, lead etc. He adapts extremely well and is quick to listen and obey. He has his quirks though, and loves to make his stall messy and dig up his paddocks. He can be a pain to tie up too, he loves to undo his lead rope and run away! He is a goreous little horse and we love him to bits!

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None Currently

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