Pippa's EF Page

Welcome to my EF Page! This is a Showcase of my EF Achievments and what I do/own, and also a little library of my horses! Please enjoy!

The SIM Pippa | Her EF Horses | The REAL Pippa | e-mail me

The SIM Pippa

Full Name: Pippa O'Sullivan
Age: 27
Lives: In a Large, Beautiful House near Signature Farm.
SIM Family: Husband Lee (28), Adopted Girl Skye (8) and Adopted Boy Adam (13)
Signature Farm (Co-Own), A Lot of Horses! Possibility of a Tack Shop/Equine Store.
Registered With: The Bank..Ummm, No One I guess! Soon the HRA Hopefully.

I am a happy person, who is active and who *loves* no..let me re-phase that *adores and spoils* her horses. I love EF, I have many friends and I love breeding and showing Akhal Tekes, TBs (Racing & Showing), Arabians and Warmbloods. I am a breeder and Stud person at heart, and I own some top horses.

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The REAL Pippa

Eugh! I had to put this up since *everyone* was aksing me..what are you really like? Well..Here goes...

My *scary* profile

See My Picture

FULL Name: Pippa Elizabeth O'Sullivan
Lives: South Australia
Born On: 18th October 1987
Started Playing SIM Games: December 1997
First SIM Game: HOCK
Fav SIM Game: I dunno..HOCK/EF/TROT???!!!
Fav Colour (s): Blue & Purple & Yellow
Fav Band: I dunno..I like songs, there isn't a band where I just like all their songs, I like different songs, and I'll usually buy the single.
Fav Rider: Gillian Rolton & Wendy Schaffear (Sp?)
Fav Horse: PHAR LAP
Fav Breed: Either Akhal Tekes, Arabian, Thoroughbreds, DWB's/WB's. I dunno.

I'm a pretty friendly, cheery person. I love fun and excitement, and I'm *very* chatty. I'm quirky and fairly smart, I love horses and animals and everything else. I love to be different and I hate sameness and routine. That's why I need a fast going game...If it gets to boring I have to quit. I haven't had a boyfriend *yet* (fingers crossed)..but I'm working on it!!! I'd love 2 talk to any australian EF'rs. Thanks for reading!

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My EF Horses

I hope you enjoy browsing through my horses. Under Status..I either put...

| *S* - Showing | *R* - Racing | *PS* Up for Stud | *PB* - Up for Brood | *FS* For Sale | *T* - Training | *RH* - Retired Horse | *F* - Foal | *IF- Breeding/In Foal

I may have one or more of those signs. Enjoy! (Oh if the horse has "SA" after it's year of birth, it means the horse has been speed aged)

Horses NameBreed SexAgeColourStatus Registration No:
Darkness Extreme (EASC) Thoroughbred Stallion 8 (1992) Chestnut *S* | *PS* | #234-01095
Image of Adonis (EASC) Arabian Stallion 7 (1993) Blue Black *S* | *PS*#015-00343
Lambada (EASC) Dutch Warmblood Stallion 7 (1993)Bay *S* | *PS* #076-00128
Darkman Akhal Teke Stallion 5 (1995) Black *S* | *PS* | *T* #002-00006
Torch Flame (EASC) Thoroughbred Colt 3 (1997) Grey *R* | *T* #034-01094
Golden Valley Sundancer MorabColt Yearling (2000, SA)Bay *T* #158-00014
Tangiers GV Danish WB/Trakhener (Registered Warmblood) Colt 3 (1997) Black-Bay *S* | *T* #245-00016


This page is Copyright 2000 Pippa O'Sullivan..All Rights Reserved.