CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIELS: A note to Veterinary Surgeons
Widespread surveys, in the UK and elsewhere, have shown that, as in some other small breeds of dog, mitral valve disease (MVD or endocardiosis) is very common in Cavaliers. Over 50% of dogs may have a murmur of mitral regurgitation by 5 years of age (Darke, 1987)*, and, as many vets have discovered, cardiac failure often occurs in dogs as your as 6 or 8. The main difference from most other breeds is that MVD
appears to develop prematurely in Breeding stock can best be selected from older dogs known to be free from a murmur of mitral regurgitation, and to certify your opinion, as on the form below, if you can detect such a murmur. Murmurs of mitral regurgitation are systolic, and typically heard just caudal to triceps on the left side of the thorax, and slightly above the point of elbow.
It is hoped you may feel able to charge your client a nominal fee for this simple certificate so that cost doesn not discourage Cavalier owners and breeders from participating fully in this important piece of research. Thank you for your co-operation. P.G.G. Darke, BVSc, PhD, DVR, DVC, MRCVS, DETAILS OF DOG, (Block Capitals Please) K.C.Reg. Name............................................................ K.C.Reg. No................................... Sex............................Colour.............................Date of Birth................ Age......................... Sire................................................................... Dam............................................................ Whether a heart form has previously been submitted YES/NO Owner's Name...................................................................................................................... Owner's Address................................................................................................................... OWNERS SIGNATURE..........................................................DATE.................................. VETERINARY OPINION Please __ I was UNABLE TO DETECT any evidence of mitral regurgitation Tick as__ I DETECTED A MURMUR consistent with mitral regurgitation, the grade being....... on a scale of 6. appropriate (Vet's Signature)...................................................................................Date.......................... (Name).................................................................................................................................. (Address)............................................................................................................................... ANNUAL TESTING IS ESSENTIAL FOR BREEDER USE AND RESEARCH