Horse Quiz

Try our quiz to see how much you've learned at our web site. YOU MAY QUALIFY TO WIN A COPY OF OUR POSTER (via snail mail) IF YOU'RE THE TOP SCORER OF THE MONTH!
If you'd like to try our quiz, please don't go to the answer page until after you've submitted your answers. Thank you.



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  1. What's a sire?
  2. What's a dam?
  3. What's a breech birth?
  4. What's a frog?
  5. Do horses have special animal friends (other than other horses)?
  6. What's thrush?
  7. What's a filly?
  8. What's a colt?
  9. What's a mare?
  10. What's a stallion?
  11. What's a broodmare?
  12. What's artificial insemination?
  13. What's a wall eye?
  14. How did quarterhorses get their name?
  15. How many types of racing are there?
  16. Do horses sleep standing up?
  17. What gait are horses in during harness racing?
  18. What are the fastest horses in the world?
  19. Which breed of horses were the first domesticated horses in the world?
  20. What horse did they breed thoroughbreds from?

For the answers, click here
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Created on December 11, 1998.