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Hi, I'm Drew Stas

I'm from Boardman, Ohio. It's near Youngstown, in the north east part
of the state. I'd like to help anyone with questions about this area or my web page subjects.

I've listed my favorite web sites for the different areas of interest. If you have any of your own
that you like, please email me the addresses and I'll check them out.
If I like them, I'll add them to my list of favorites.

My interests are:
Golf, Gardening and Stocks.

Let's talk about Golf...
More on Golf
Let's talk about Home & Gardening...
More on Gardening
Let's talk about Stocks...
More on Stocks

Kristina and Mike

Pattie, Kristina, Tricia and Anna

Abby and Santa "2002"

Anna, Abby and Tricia

Me and Abby

Pat, Sue, Christine with their Mom

Three Generations

Pat and Abby - That makes four Generations

I'd like to wish my daughter,
"Good Luck at OSU"

I'm so proud of you Kris....
Love Dad

My Daughter Tricia

My Daughter Anna

My Daughter Tara and her husband, Rickie

The newest member to the family
Isabella 8/8/2003

Tara and her baby girl

Ricky, Tara, and Isabella

The Happy Grandpa with Isabella

Can I be any Happier?

Tara and Isabella in their Back Yard

Chucky Cheese

Me and Isabella in their Back Yard

Me and Isabella in their Back Yard

If you're looking for books on

Stocks, Gardening or Golf,

please use my search "Amazon" box below.
Books Music Enter keywords... logo

Misc. pictures....
A pictures of Isabella and family.
Click Here to go back to my HOME Page

A picture of my wife, Pat and our granddaugther, Abby.
A picture of my daughter, Kristina, and her new niece, Abby.
Our Home
Our Vacation in Nantucket
Me again.

Pictures of Tara and Ricky's Wedding
The Altar.
The Bride and Groom.
The Hug.
The Food.
The Table.
The Dance.
A Tear.

More Wedding Pictures.

Tax Tools / Personal Finance / Caluclators
"Music written right here in Youngstown"
"Rating Cities, click the compare link to compare city to city. Other helpful information also."
Love This Site!!!
The Dash... Something to think about!!!
"Hubble Telescope"
"Birds eye view of your house, as you fly over it"
"Seattle Traffic Cam"

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