Fact or Fiction ?
Single Woman Theory
Investment Strategy
Telephone Rip Off
Explanation of Light
Time Travel
Artificial Intelligence
Life Elsewhere
Discovering Life Elsewhere
Evolution and our Appendix
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Sex does not make the world go 'round, testosterone does
Woman Theory
A woman won't say YES to you until she says NO at least once first
Because of the baby-boomers investing for retirement, the stock market will continue as a
bull market for the next ten years
Rip Off
The telephone company charges more for touch-tone service since it costs less
No physical matter can travel faster than the speed of light, but what about things that
are not physical. Can you show that an idea does not exist physically but it does exist in
time? What is the media for thoughts and ideas?
of Light
Light is the two dimensional representation of a 3-dimensional effect. One of
the dimensions we cant examine. Light has particle or wave like characteristics
depending on how the other dimension expresses itself to the observer.
Time Travel
Traveling faster than light means traveling in time.
There is an interesting relationship in the demarcation of telephone network
redundancy. Of course all phone lines do not connect to all other phone lines. But
all Single Transfer Points are applied in pairs and are direct and cross connected to
adjacent points. One may wonder that an aspect of Artificial Intelligence may
be to have variable points of demarcation in the interconnect network topology
equivalent to brain interconnections.
Life Elsewhere
Is there Life elsewhere? If you wanted to send a smoke signal to the rest of the
universe, how would you do it? I'd do it like this. Build a fire. A visible light
fire? Maybe. Maybe a radio frequency fire. There are lots of star
evolution stuff that we are discovering. Some of this we understand some we do
not. I propose that some of the stuff we observe in the universe may be created by
external forces. By external, I mean alien. One day we may realize that some
cosmic occurrences must have been created by non-natural means.
Life Elsewhere
Lets hypothesize that the world will end by being consumed by the sun. A sure thing.
Also suppose that technology has progressed for hundreds of thousands of years.
Know suppose that you devote all human resources to travel to another planet for
the human species to continue living. You decide where you want to go, build a ship,
and leave. On the way out of the solar system you leave a bomb. What does the bomb
do? It causes the solar system to explode in such a way so as to send a smoke signal to
the rest of the universe. What does the smoke signal say? It says, "Intelligent life
is over here in the universe. You fool, no natural phenomenon could produce this
kind of smoke. Over here!".
Technical evolution will be roughly the same on the earth as it will somewhere else in the
universe. That is, if you understand physics well enough to differentiate a smoke signal
from a cloud in the sky than the color (or frequency) of the smoke is not important.
and our Appendix
What does our Appendix do?There is something really special about visible light and
our eyes. Animals have evolved to use only the visible spectrum of all the possible
electromagnetic spectrum. Why? We have developed all kinds of sensors and receptors to the
other parts of the spectrum, why didnt animals evolve with other sensors that could
sense some other bands? I suspect there must have been other frequency band sensors in
animal evolution on earth. If not, we have been placed on this earth and did not evolve.
Visible light eyes evolved because it was the most beneficial for survival. Why is visible
light more beneficial? We are bathed by the Suns visible light radiation. But what
other frequencies does the Sun emit and are they less beneficial for animal survival. I
would like a set of infrared eyes too. I could find that bison in the dark.