frontside boardslide
be able
to ollie and bs 180
ride beside the object about 8 inches that you are going to grind, in the
ollie position. Your chest should be facing the obstacle, and you should
be able to backside 180 ollie.
ollie and shift your weight in a backside motion, landing with the middel
of your board on the rail.
when you land on the rail your back should be sliding forward, and your
weight should be centered on the rail, it helps to look at the middel of
your board.
If you want to come out regular you should ollie and look forward when
you land on the rail, if you want to come out fakie ollie a little higher
than neccisary and land with your body turned more than you need to, looking
backwards. If you want to do a shuvit out, pretend like your doing a frontside
boardslide to fakie, and at the end of the rail, shift your board like
your goin to fakie, but turn your body to regular.