me doing a nose grind
name is Ryan, I am 14 years old, and Live in Kansas city, Kansas, I started
skate boarding at 11 years of age, when i went to my cousins house and
he was skateboarding, so i decided to try it, ever since i haven't found
any thing better than falling on my butt or occasionally landing a trick.
I skate every day, but not at any of the spots on my skate spot page, because
i live out side the city. Instead i skate in my basement, i have 3 fun
boxes, 2 bank ramps, 1 launch ramp, and 1 grind rail, Trust me, it's not
as glamorous as it sounds but it's still fun. On the weekends i usually
skate every spot on my skate spots page.I love doing fakie tricks on benches,
one of my favorite tricks would have to be the fakie
50-50 big spin out on a bench. My
favorite trick probably is the fakie nosegrinds on benches, but i love
anything on a bench. Dont get my wrong, i can do other tricks besides fakie
stuff, for example, crooked grinds, nosegrinds, 5-0 grinds, 50-50 grinds,
noseslides, 50-50 bigspins, Shuvit 50-50 nollie shuvit, nosegrind
shuvits on benches, 50-50 shuvits on benches, and many more.My best
tricks would have to be, seven stair ollies, six
stair kickflips, and Fakie shvit 50-50 bigspins on benches . Besides
skating i enjoy playing the drums, i used to be in a punk rock band ''The
beginning of the end'' with jon until he moved.
nose grind
fakie 5-0 180 out
50-50 bigspin