360 kickflip
be able
to kickflip and 360 shuvit
Set your front foot like a kickflip, but a little bit lower, and the toe
of your back foot on the tip of the tail.
use a lot of power in you back foot to pop the board, twist the board
around with you back foot ( it helps to try to "scoop" your back foot to
get the spin), and kinda bring you back foot behind you body. At the exact
same time flip the kickflip, but push it out in front of you ( i found
out that this helps keep it under me ). While doing both of these jump
up, and pull your feet out of the way.
once the board has done a full 360 and kickflip CATCH THE BOARD AND SET
YOUR FEET DOWN. ( when i first learned this i would always catch it after
it had only done half a kickflip ) Land and ride away.