This is the tank with nothing in it. It's difficult to catch the fish on film!
Here's a picture of my powerhead. This was my best investment. I never have dirty water. Always crystal clear. The water is filtered in the gravel and is filtered once again before it comes out the powerhead (where it is oxygenated). An airstone in the undergravel filter unit provides additional oxygen for the fish.
This is a picture of the fishtank from the top. Notice how large "Big Poppa" is in comparison to the wooden stump on the gravel floor.
I like it when you call me "Big Poppa."
I'm the showcase in this tank!
We're the "Lil' Fatheads" of the tank. We may be small but we've got big brains and we know how to pick on the bigger fish. Plus we know how to swim in and out of the wooden stump!
I had the orange/black koi and the yellowish/white one first. The orange/black koi is the largest in the tank. I bought them from a local pet store for $9.99 each. I received a deal on the second pair: buy one, get one free!
Another shot of the orange/black and yellow/white fish.
This fish was $9.99 (Orange/black koi).
I think he (or she?) likes the camera.