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my dog

Here's my Humpty



Hi, my name is Lisette and if you've just came over from my PWC homepage I hope you enjoyed your visit. Welcome to my personal homepage.

This site is all about me and my interests. I am from Sudbury Ontario Canada which is a great town to live in. There is a lake in the center of our city. The lake is called Lake Ramsey - which is a great place to spend the day. There are many beaches that surround this lake. Moonlight Beach, Bell Park and Science North are one of the many attractions of this city. There is yearly public access to the lake which is great for boaters, jetskiers and skidooers. Check out some historical photos of Sudbury. Come visit sometime!

Apart from loving jetskiing and summertime fun, I am also one who loves dogs. I have 2 Pitbulls. They are Humpty and Buddy. Both are males. Humpty is 5 years old and Buddy - well he's been around along time, he's 10 years old.  You can see pictures of them in the photo gallery above.


Being the owner of 2 Pitbulls means being very responsible.  Who knows what kind of trouble they can get into if they are caught running loose.  Many people are scared of these types of dogs because of "stories" they have heard.  Personally I wouldn't want any type of dog other than a Pitbull.  They provide a sense of security, friendship and loyalty.  I'm sure most Pitbull owners would agree.  A great site I found which brought laughter and tears to my eyes is the Petbull site.  The people from this site are dedicated to saving abandoned or abused Pitbulls. They take the time to actually rehabilitate the dogs and provide them with a sense of security and trust.  Way to go guys - nice to know someone cares about these dogs!! 




Every person who is all for the banning of Pitbull terriers or any kind of "dangerous" dogs has to remember one important factor. These are people's pets and sometimes considered as their kids. If you try to have them destroyed or banned for no reason you are only hurting the owners of the dogs. The dog is just a dog,  not aware of its actions or consequences. Always remember that it's not only Pitbulls that can be violent dogs. Any dog is susceptible to violent behavior!

I found a great Pitbull web site with many great links and pictures. This site is solely dedicated to Pitbulls and their history. Visit the Pitbull Reporter some time.

Also if your looking to join a Pitbull club check out American Pitbull Terrier Clubs.

For a great site with thousands of Pet Names, Popularity, Meanings and Ratings - visit Bow Wow Meow.

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Last updated: December 2003