Top Ten Signs that You're an Old Fat Paddler: 10. The rivers were
bigger in your day!!!
Mitch (14), capsizing baddies, yesterday
In My Day... Shuttle bunnies, in my day, pure luxury!!!
Top Ten Excuses to get out of Paddling
Wetsuit escapes drybag shocker, yesterday
1. always paddling something too big to do fancy shit so you won't be shown up 2. wear a pair of crusty the clown shoes showing that you couldn't possibly fit into anything modern 3. always bring out beginners so that you can excuse yourself and do easy stuff 4. always bring your climbing rack to the river and people will think that you're only a casual paddler and hence quite good really 5. always bring you boat to the crag and people will think that you're only a casual climber and hence quite good really considering 6. pad out your boat beyond belief and glue anything that could be adjusted into place. This will A. prevent anyone from borrowing your boat and doing better stuff than you and B. excuse you from using any boat that you might be expected to perform in. 7. when faced with grade 4+ and with no beginners and you have to paddle, go first. The first person is always allowed to take the chicken shoot as they were brave enough to run it first 8. if you are far enough ahead when you do swim you can either self rescue and make it look like you didn't swim, or else make up an outrageous story about how you swam, rescuing a stranded bambi on a log mid stream etc. 9. Rule 1 should be applied to all items of equipment: crap paddles that prevent you getting on waves, paddling back upstream to help etc. huge buoyancy the restricts movement, vision and breathing so as to excuse you from trying anything "dynamic", leaky weak deck with which you can establish a history of popping, perfect excuse for a swim, helmet that restricts vision and hearing, you'll just be expected to help out 10. If you do happen to be on a river where you are the best, ignore rules 1 - 9 and give it loads. Rescue victim Bambi (3), Yesterday
Does it seem to you that boatnames are getting sillier and sillier and also more bloodthirsty, I mean: The Medieval, Attak, Blade, Vertigo, what's with this stuff? Here's a few suggestions for the more gung-ho paddlers: 10. The Procrastinator 9. The Defribulator 8. The GI Joe (with rubber "grip" hands and eagle eyes) 7. The (anal) Probe - a squirt boat 6. The psychotic axe wielding serial murderer (kinda catchy, huh?) 5. The prosthetic 4. The flaming ninja paddling machine from hell 3. The suicide 2. The H2-Wooaah!!! 1. The eddy-que skipper
Ahhh for the days of the Dancer and the Mirage, when boatnames were gentle and kind. Here are some suggestions to herald back the golden era of old fat paddling: 10. The big, big boat 9. The eidilweiss 8. The hangover 7. The portager 6. The Hibernia 5. The (boy) scout 4. The Felicity 3. The sofa 2. The three piece suite (luxury version of 3.) 1. The rotobat!