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To import data from UNFCU: click on one of the accounts and one month's history should come up. I have used May 2000 as an example

Go to the bottom of the account and "Please choose an export format". Put this at "Comma Separated Variables". Then press "Export Account" and next "Save this file to Disk". You can then save it on your C drive. When you retrieve it, an excel file should pop up. . 

Save this file as a "Microsoft Excel 97" (not as CSV). The file should look like this. 


Other months can be similarly pulled out and the history can be given through cut and pasting into this account. You will notice that each transaction is given a separate line and number - transaction 1694, for instance, was when check No 1367 for $160 was cashed on 1 May 2000. 

To make things easy, you should do the same - a payment for membership, or for a trip should be separate.  Do not combine payments or deposits for different activities.  The figures for "Balance" gives the amount in the account after the transaction.  It is a good idea, when depositing funds to the account to send a message to "UNSKICLUB" stating that "I deposited $6550 to the savings account for the Cortina trip".  The yellow slips and the list of who paid what should be sent to the Treasurer.

Then give codes and descriptions for the transactions as shown below:.  TR means Transfer from one account to another and is not important in the long run.  Ban means Banff etc. Fin Finland and Admin Administrative costs:


and sort the data under the codes to come up with a file like the one below.  This sorted file should always be given a separate name from the unsorted file:


:Then you can separate the different activities and sum the totals to come to a file like this. This shows that a total of $1365 was paid out for Finland and that the party made a profit of $248.89:


Then after you have calculated the same results from the savings and other accounts you can easily derive the balance sheet and for the individual trips.  The financial report for each activity is simply the sum of the total from the savings and checking accounts.  These can easily be blocked off and printed.  For instance, below are the Cortina entries in the checking account, showing a substantial lossof over $101,000.   The payments in the savings account should show a profit, of course.


All the figures add precisely and exactly correspond to what went on in the bank statements.  It is extremely easy, as long as you keep track of all transactions and give each one a code.