
This page was last updated on Wednesday, 20 December 2000.

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Wahoo to Sony Playstations!.  playstation1.jpg (4965 bytes)playstation2.jpg (14128 bytes)

The Sony Playstation is a games console, it plugs into your TV (29" is good), and your stereo (if you have one), letting you play "computer" games.  As the hardware is fixed (unlike computers) software is written optimised for your system, no hardware conflicts or driver patches needed.  This also means that it ages, and eventually will be worth nothing, although this rate is much slower than with PC's.   I don't have a real computer, so am not really sure how good 3D cards are nowadays (iMac is only 128bit ATI Rage Pro), but the sound and graphics are pretty good, and like I said, as the hardware is fixed, when you get a game, you know it will run on your machine just as the developers intended.  The Playstation 2 is now out, bigger, badder and madder!   This is billed as the place to entertain the whole family, erk I'm gonna use a buzz-word, convergence allows a DVD, console, and computer-like components to all be included into one user-friendly package. EDIT: Well the PS3 is out now, and i also have a 360, so things are more of the same but "better" - must do a rant about so-called next-gen games and (lack of) innovation in the gaming industry.

The two links PSX main, and PS2 main have reviews of games I have played.  PS2 stats has the lowdown on the innards, and various rumours about the PS2.

All reviews are my own opinion.  The overall mark is heavily weighted towards game-play, I believe its the most important aspect of how enjoyable the experience is.   Sound, graphics, Full Motion Video (FMV), etc will influence the score, but generally they seem to detract or add to the "feel" of the game, I don't consider them deciding factors by themselves.

10  Perfect in every aspect. 4   Below average.   Probably has some serious gameplay or lifespan flaws.
9   A splendid piece of software - recommended without prejudice. 3   Looking pretty bad.   Maybe worth borrowing for a couple of days.
8   Very, very good.   Add it to your collection forthwith, if not sooner. 2   Borderline crap. Technically inept, poorly structured and short-lived.
7   A great title with minor irritations.  but still a worthy purchase. 1   A product without merit of any sort.  Naff beyond human endurance.
6   A case of "Why did they do that?", playable but with some dodgy bits. 0   Circular coffee coaster pretending to be a game. Dreadful, awful crap.
5   Straight average.   Unoriginal or flawed, but still worth buying - just. wow01.gif (856 bytes) My personal pick of games for best of their genre.

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