WaXiNG Tips


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(Champion doing a BackSide Royalle down a handrail and almost hit by a car)
40x100 Spacer GIF

Whether its waxing up a Curb, Rail, or ledge people always wonder which wax works the best. Well im gonna try to fill you in for next time you are buying wax and dont know what wax to buy or you see a ledge that seems to not have the potential of even being slick.

If you intend on waxing a curb try to find a nice Red curb that goes down a hill your natural way! Then wax it up with some Rhype or Santa Cruz wax. That curb will be awesome for really fast grinds!
If your in the mood for some really fast grinding then what you should be doing is a rail. Rails are slick without wax but, the fastest thing you can grind with wax. Wax it up with just about any wax.

For those ledges that seem to have no potential of being slick think again! For a ledge like that you should get Sex wax. Sex wax is very cheap but hard to find. After you apply the Sex wax put and kind of Rhype on. This should make those hard to grind ledges into one of the most fun things you have ever grinded in your life!

(Sam Fogarty Royaling on a ramp that is on fire)