This shoe is one of the best on the market.They have a good look to them and have a good sole, the ollie protection is ok not excellent but moderate.I would highly reccomend it!!
This shoe is an ok shoe for skating it has good ollie protection and is very comfortable but they rip and tear fast.I would reccomend it!!
This shoes is very comfortable and padded.it is also a shoe that will last you a long time, the ollie protection is outstanding.I would highly reccomend it!! This shoes is an ok shoe because although it is comfortable it doesent have a long life span, i had them for 2.5 weeks and they couldnt last any longer. but they are very good to skate in for the first few weeks.I would not reccomend it!!
This shoes doesent have anything special to it, like no special look or anything it looks almost plain.altought it is a strong shoe i wouldnt reccomend it because they're not very comfortable.I wouldn't reccomend it!!
This shoes is very comfortable and unique in they way it looked, when it was made.now most osiris shoes look like it.the ollie protection for me only lasted like a month but it is a very good shoe.I would highly reccomend it!!