Beginner Tricks
Alright, you want to learn a back flip? Just kidding. Here are some basic tricks to learn, and some important terms to know. Remember, wait untill you know you're ready and won't hurt yourself or anyone.


Method Air
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(1995, JJ Collier USA)

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Method Grab see animation above: This looks awesome and is so fun to do. In the air, bend your knees and bring your board back toward you but. Grab the heel edge with one of your hands and hold it as long as you can.

180: The first trick you'll probably learn to do in the air. You are going to spin 180 degrees, which is half of an entire circle. This means that whatever foot you start with, you will land with the opposite one going forward. Approach the jump, and as you get close to the top bend your knees a little. As you take off, spring up into the air. At the same time you will begin to spin your board. There are two different kinds of 180 you can do - frontside and backside.

  • Frontside - If you started regular (left foot) forward, you are going to spin the board counter clockwise. As you are springing up, begin to turn your legs. You need to get your left leg all the way behind you for a good landing.

  • Backside - Using a regular footed person again, this time you will spin clockwise. As you do this, your back will be facing your landing for a few seconds. You will need to look over your shoulder to continue the spin and land gracefully.

How do you know the difference between a backside and a frontside spin? As you picture a person rotating, think about what part of their body is going to face forward first. As you do a backside 360 (complete spin) your back will be turned forward before your face will. When you go frontside, your stomach will first be forward, then your back, and then you are forwards again. Watch some snowboarding competitions and you'll see the difference.

Roast beef: Pull your knees up towards your chest. You're almost in a position like you're about to sit in a chair. Using your back hand (left footers the right hand, right footers the left hand) reach in between the board. Grab the heel edge of the board between your feet, and bone your rear leg. See below for the definitin of boned.

Mute: This trick is like an Indy. Pull your knees up, and this time use your front hand. Grab the middle of the board on the toe edge.

Fakie: Is a term used to describe riding with the opposite foot you regurarly ride with forward. So if you rode left footed and did a 180, you'd land "fakie" because your right foot would now be forward.

Poptart: This is a trick done only in the halfpipe or quarter pipe. You approach the wall, go straight up and then back down. You'd end up riding fakie. This could also be called Air to Fakie.

Boned: To bone something in snowboarding means to really emphasize it. You'd straighten your legs out more than usuall, stretch your arm that extra bit, or push the board up that extra inch. You might hear someone say something like, "He really boned that grab!" To bone one or both legs means to straighten them.

Stiffy: This is something you incorporate with another trick. It means both legs are boned and a grab is done also. For example, to do a method stiffy, you'd reach your legs out as far as you could (and still be able to reach them with your arms).

Backside Air: Anything performed on the backside wall of a halfpipe.

Nosebone: Do a regular indy grab, and bone your front leg.


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