Drunk Driving is becoming a very common thing with teenage drivers thes days. How do you stop the thousands of deaths a year? Raise drinking age? Kids'll still get alcohol. Raise legal driving age? What about responsibile people? Is there a solution? One answer is designated drivers. These magnificent people can save sooo many lives. In case you don't already know, a designated driver is the person out of the group that doesn't drink at the party. Although peer pressure sets in, they remain strong. After the party is over, he doesn't let his/HER drunk friends get behind the wheel, potenially killing others. The designated driver is responsibile for getting the others home safely.

"Alcohol is not a magic potion. It doesn't make you look good, appear cool, or feel courageous. It simply robs you of your mind. You can't leap buildings in a single bound. You probably can't even hurdle the sofa."


Facts about drunk driving.

Alcohol use is the number one drug problem among young people.

About 10 million current drinkers were under age 21 in 1995

Eight young people a day die in alcohol-related crashes.

More than half of the nation's junior and senior high school students drink alcoholic beverages, and many "binge" drink to relieve stress and boredom.

On average, only two of every thousand occasions of youth drinking result in an arrest.

Fewer than one-in-three parents of tenth grade students are giving their children a clear "no-use" message about alcohol.

Each year, students spend $5.5 billion on alcohol, more than they spend on soft drinks, tea, milk, juice, coffee or books combined.


To learn more about DUI and youth drinking, I reccommend MADD. And... National Group Rides And Designated Drivers is a non-profit organization working to save lives from drunken driving by maintaining a national network of safe ride home programs in college communities. National GRADD assists in the development of new programs and the improvement of existing services by providing programming resources and making it easy for schools to work together.


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