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Academic in the making

Page last updated on 8 November 1998

Spotting flowers in a rewarewa tree, one sunny day at Wenderholm as part of my PhD
I do love parts of the academic life I lead. On sunny dry days doing the field work is a real joy. The contrast of the foliage and flowers against a blue sky is beautiful. The sequential progression of fruiting and flowering from one species to another amazes me still.

Being responsible to myself for everything that I do is great. I certainly don't lack in motivation. However, when the weather is windy, wet and cold, I sometimes do wonder what I am doing out in the bush.

Explaining the facts of life as seen through a microscope
Teaching is another delight in my life. I love sharing information with others and seeing them become enthusiastic and engrossed in the natural world. Don't like marking though, there is far too much of that.

Back to h!ighl!ghts index page or visit my PhD project page called Operation fruit, my personal homepage, or the species list for my PhD, and find out where these species live on the distribution map, or maybe you would like an explanation of scientific names. 1