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Graduand, twice over

Page last updated on 8 November 1998

Graduating for the second time, this
time with home grown fur
I've graduated twice so far, once with a Bachelor of Science (the blue hood has an edging of white fur) and once with a Master of Science (the hood loses its' fur, but my hair made up for it at the time).

I loved graduating both times. Running around a busy inner city street in a batman cape and funny hat while the cops stop all the traffic for you. What an ego boost :-) I am now working at changing the funny hard hat into a floppy affair.

By the way, the tree that I am standing next to is one of the puriri trees that I grew from seed for my Masters. It is growing about a meter in hight per year. Who says that puriri does not have timber potential.

Back to h!ighl!ghts index page or visit my PhD project page called Operation fruit, my personal homepage, or the species list for my PhD, and find out where these species live on the distribution map, or maybe you would like an explanation of scientific names. 1