Ecology Spiders
crawling spider
Welcome to the Ecology Spiders!

You are the curious fly to visit our website since 03/05/97.
crawling spider


The Ecology Spiders site is an undertaking by a study group of students enrolled at the Spectrum Virtual University
campus campus Spectrum unilogo

We are taking an Advanced HTML class online. The V.U. is a college offering courses on a number of interesting subjects.

The Ecology Spider members are: Carole Marshall, Jean, Lynette Stewart, Ned Murtagh, Riverpet and Misty Blue.
We communicate and coordinate with each other by e-mail, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), classroom chat and our JAVA Chatroom.

Each member will produce pages on an ecology topic and work on our demonstration pages which will show you step by step how we accomplished our lessons. Then all the pages will be linked here to form the site.

As you see all of the pages as well as this index page are under various stages of completion. We will continuously update this site as new lessons are given and more material becomes available.

The team leaders starting out were Mike, Steve and Misty.
Our remaining leader is Misty.
We hope you like what you do see and return often to follow our progress.

Ecology Spiders Java Chat Room! Come on in and chat!

You must have a Java capable browser.


Come and visit the Spider members pages!
The Corncrake, on a
Wing and a Prayer Ned Murtagh

WildCrafting Riverpet

The Florida Manatee Misty Blues
IMAGEMAP Eeek-Cool-ogee, by Steve Tanner The Florida Manatee, by Misty Blues It's a Small World, by Lynette Home Ecology, by Carole Marshall Virtual Ecology, by Jean The Corncrake, on a Wing and a Prayer, by Ned Murtagh WildCrafting, by Riverpet Home Ecology Carole Marshall

It's a Small World Lynette

Virtual Ecology Jean


To send mail to all members of our study group at once Readour Dreambook! Sign our Dreambook! Dreambook


This site created and maintained by the Ecology Spiders
This page was last modified on: 04-99


Graduation Congratulations!

Our Team Work Award teamaward
leader-award Group Leader Award


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