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Southern Alternative Agriculture Network

Welcome to SAAN

August 31 1998


Fungi stories ....

Jasmine Rice Update

News and Opinion

New Features

Thai society - commentary

When you leave here....

Next Update: later September 1998


1. SAANTI-DHARMA, the philosophy of SAAN, closely tied to the values and beliefs of Buddhism - fostering a strong, peaceful, self-reliant community; see our collection of articles by noted Buddhist scholar-activist Sulak Sivaraksa for more on Buddhist society in modern Thailand.

2. What is Alternative Agriculture anyway? We try to explain it here, for those who might be curious.

3. SAAN networks with many other similar groups in Thailand and around the world, in support of sustainable agriculture and development.

4. Thai Life and Advocacy Features gathers various features of longer-term interest from the Saanti-Dharma newsletter and other sources.

Newsletter Archives

May peace be with you all

For more information about SAAN, you can write to:
Southern Alternative Agriculture Network
1/2 Moo 2, Tambon Tung Nui, Amphur Kuan KaLong
Satun 91130, Thailand
or email SAAN at

We are constantly trying to improve these pages to be of the most use to those groups and individuals in Thailand and around the world who promote alternative agriculture. If you have any comments about this site, or suggestions or questions, please contact the SAAN Novice Sitemaster.

Billions of people in the world's poorest countries are enslaved by debt. Debts run up by governments on their behalf. Debts which started as easy credit pushed by rich lenders. Debts which the poor will never be able to repay Debts which enrich lenders, but leave children malnourished, while families live in desperate poverty. Jubilee 2000 believes the time has come to do something about it. Our aim is to celebrate the new millennium by lifting the burden of unpayable debt from the poorest countries. We have produced a clear, workable Jubilee Proposal calling for a one-off cancellation by the year 2000 of the backlog of unpayable debt owed by the world's poorest countries under a fair and transparent process.

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page last updated August 31, 1998
