Old Guestbook
Finally! I've been able to retrieve the old gestbook entries lost during the Lpage disk failure, whew! If you haven't yet, please sign my guestbook and make your contribution to my site, thanks!

Name: Francis Toldi
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: Burlingame (San Francisco area), California, USA
Time: 1997-04-10 19:43:00
Comments: Congratulations on getting off to such a great start on your homepage. I hope you solve your space problems so you can complete your construction. I am particularly impressed with your imaginative and sophisticated page design. I hope to benefit from your excellent bird-finding information in Taiwan some day. Keep up the good work!

Name: Urs Geiser
Website: Chicago and Illinois Birding
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: near Chicago, IL, USA
Time: 1997-04-08 15:59:00
Comments: Great homepage! I'm not surprised you're short of disk space with all these pictures.

Name: Tom Goss
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mass. USA
Time: 1997-04-08 04:02:00
Comments: Wayne....Cool page. Packed with helpful information. I'm sure I'll use it someday!

Name: Erik Breden
Website: The Otter Side - Fine bird and nature gifts
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: New Jersey, USA
Time: 1997-04-07 18:50:00
Comments: Wayne, I've enjoyed your trip reports on BIRDCHAT for many months. Looks like you've got a good start on your own Home Page. I've been a bird/nature photographer for over 25 years. My wife and I run a small business based on my photography. I have about 50 species of birds on our Home Page now which we offer in our product designs, and will soon be adding several hundred more. You can check out our Home Page at: http://members.aol.com/OtterSide Good to see young people taking an interest in nature and the environment. Keep up the good work. Erik Breden EBreden@aol.com

Name: Willy Cheung
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mars
Time: 1997-04-07 17:42:00
Comments: what's up wayne? nnice homepage you got here. how long did you spent consturcting it? man, you got lots of new drawing i've never seen before, i like you pheasant one, it's not drawn by color pencil, is it? anyway, a lot of essays in here, i like the alishan one... though my picture looked stupid. well, i guess i was really an unfortunate birder. oh well, see you! Willy

Name: Karen Chu
Website: ------------------------------------------------------------
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Taipei, Taiwan
Time: 1997-04-07 14:38:00
Comments: hi wayne i'm your art committee head in GAA. i must say, i'm very impressed at your stuff. you seem to have put a lot of work into this. i thought that the journals, the photos and especially the pecil drawing are really well thought-out. it's very cool and yet informative. well see ya

Name: Jeff R Wu
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Duh....
Time: 1997-04-07 13:24:00
Comments: Hey, did u draw those pictures of birds by urself? They cool...:) Well, that's it...good work Wayne!

Name: Cheryl Peterson
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Provo, Utah
Time: 1997-04-07 04:27:00
Comments: I have enjoyed your posts to BirdChat so I thought I would check out your web page. My son and I are avid birders and stamp collectors, too!

Name: Barbara Passmore
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: USA
Time: 1997-04-06 14:42:00
Comments: Congratulations, Wayne! Great page. Of course, I got your page address from BirdChat but that was not on your list. I have not had time to look at anything except the main page, but I think it looks great. Only one little error -- the word "extent" was misspelled. Wouldn't mention it except I know you want it to be perfect. Best wishes, and as always, Good birding! Barbara Passmore Assistant Listowner, BirdChat.

There is also a downloaded copy of the current guestbook.

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