Your Personal Efforts

1.Join a conservation organization.

2.Volunteer your time to conservation projects.

3.Give money to worthy conservation/environmental causes.

4.Check your lifestyle:think about the effects of your daily actions on the environment.

5.Take advantage of the Non-Game Wildlife check-off on your tax form.

6.Vote for candidates that share your sentiments.

7.Read books and articles on wildlife and Environmental issues.

8.Watch nature programs on TV.

9.Subscribe to conservation or environmental publications. Purchase them as gifts for others.

10.Convert by example:encourage other people to save resources, too.

11.Tease, cajole, or persuade your family, friends and neighbors for not recycling, not being energy conscious, etc.

12.Complain to merchants about excess packaging, use of plastics, etc. Write letters to companies. Patronize merchants who are environmentally conscious.

13.Write your legislators when you have an opinion about pending legislation on environmental, land use and other issues.

14.Teach children to respect nature and the environment. Take them on a hike, help them plant a tree or build a bird house, buy them a nature book or subscription to a wildlife magazine.

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