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People call me Dinh. I am a Vietnamese living in Vietnam. I am a non-religious man with a deep thermodynamic belief that energy and materia, not the God, govern the universe. "No hell below us, above us only sky".

I am between jobs at the moment. Therefore, I can provide English-Vietnamese-Russian translation service at a good quality for a reasonable cost.

In my view, the biggest environmental problem of Vietnam is the population of 76,3 million (official census 1 April 1999) which equals to 231 persons/km2. In the context of a poor agriculture-based nation, that overpopulation leads to extensive use of land for agriculture and deforestation, and other environmental problems.

I studied two years in AIT where I made my first aquaitance with the West.

I have no artist photo to insert at this moment. My face can be seen in two episodes of Oliver Stone's "Heaven and Earth" provided the viewer does not blink throughout the whole epic movie.

I am not old enough to be killed on Ho Chi Minh Trails and not young enough to forget the shining light of burning B52s "Stratofortresses" during Linebacker II operation.

I have some jokes and Top Events in Vietnam 2008 and similar listings from 1998 for visitors. More statistics on Vietnam can be found at the World Bank Vietnam Mission site.

To help the young generation of VN from HIV/AIDS I have written some HIV prevention instructions in Vietnamese.

I have difficulties in updating my site because Geocities.com is firewalled by Vietnamese gateway server.

Please mail me your questions.

Since Oct. 1998

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