Post-Secondary Institutions

Here you will find links to Ontario
universities, community colleges, agricultural colleges and the Michener Institute
I have included a link to
apprenticeship information, as many excellent opportunities exist here for those who are looking for a more hands on educational experience.An additional bonus is that the  the students earn while they learn.  For the entrepeneurial student, the Canadian Entrepeneurship Web Ring link has been included.
Email the colleges and universities requesting their calendars.
Include your mailing address, and they will forward them to you.       
TOEFL information for students
All Canadian Universities
Universities Access all of the Ontario  universities from this page.
Financial Aid at Ontario Colleges
Schoolfinder Enter the things you are looking for..find a school to match.
Scholarship Information
Canadian Youth Business Foundation
Apprenticeship match-maker
Ever been to sea Billy? How about for a semester...
Enrichment Opportunities
