My Wolf - Orca


This is Orca as a pup.  He was born in 1994 and brought to Wolf Park from Minnesota.  He has distinctive black lines on his face that can be seen in the photo of Orca as he looks now.


Orca with the buffaloes at Wolf Park (above)

Orca and Socrates (below)


      Orca, enjoying a Halloween treat          Orca sitting on brother

      - October 1998                                   Socrates



On January 16, 1999, I, along with some family members, attended a Members Only Open House at Wolf Park.  We got to see the wolves, listen to a lecture on wolves and watch a video presentation.  Perhaps, for me, the most special moment was when we hiked around the main enclosure to where other wolves were kept.  These wolves are kept separate from the main pack for various reasons.  Among those is Orca.  The previous group that had hiked back here had only a glimpse of Orca from a distance.  My group was fortunate that Orca was actually brought out to meet/greet us.  A magical moment as it was the first time I had gotten to see the wolf I had adopted up close.  Of course, pictures abound from this special day.   Come and see how we spent the day at Wolf Park.


As shown here, all photos on this pageare copyrighted by Monty Sloan and used by approval of Wolf Park.  For permission to use or for more information about wolf photographs please write to Monty Sloan .   Or click on the link to learn more about Orca and other wolves availble for adoption at Wolf Park.


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