Main Info
Real Name: Alison
Philosopher Modeled after: Aristotle
Age: 19
School: Belmont University
Status: Undergraduate Freshman
Major: Graphic Design
Minor: Philosophy
Likes: Philosophy (duh), graphic design, art, website design, acting, percussion, academics, old books, tea, video games,
nature, thinking, movies, fall, fires, meditation
Dislikes: Ignorance, Stupidity, brashness, intolerance, ethnocentricism, ridiculous GenEd requirements, adults who think teenagers
are all alike and know nothing of the world, superficiality
Got Into Philosophy Because: I have been questioning everything since I was a kid, from organized religion to
death. This started peaking in middle school when I discoved stoicism and tried to live by it. In high school I started to get exposed
to different schools of thought, and my senior year I really got into discovering what I believed in. Thus it leads me here.
Real Name: Kyle
Philosopher Modeled after: Pythagoras
Age: 19
School: Belmont University
Status: Undergraduate Sophomore
Major: International Systems Management
Minor: Computer Science/Philosophy
Likes: my friends, driving, cars, movies, good TV, computers (building/playing PC games/the Internet), music, mountains, lakes and woods, learning something new, just hanging out with friends, [adult swim]
Dislikes: Girls
Got Into Philosophy Because: Because it was a crucial part of my development as a SuperPimp